1 | <mdipierro> zakir, wait we are beyond that
2 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, ah got it so you are running remote X!!
3 | * devilsadvocate (i=cbc85f95@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-0a7d387875c9e6b2) has joined #sahana-testing
4 | <mdipierro> _29gauravdott: run using then read
5 | <mdipierro> http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/AlterEgo/default/show/68
6 | <mdipierro> and
7 | <mdipierro> http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/AlterEgo/default/show/143
8 | <zakir> mdipierro: oh sry
9 | <mdipierro> and make a tunnel that forwards to
10 | <_29gauravdott> mdipierro: getting this error
11 | <_29gauravdott> ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved While trying to retrieve the URL: The following error was encountered: * Connection to Failed The system returned: (111) Connection refused The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again. Your cache administrator is root. Generated Sat, 14 Feb 2009 17:43:44 GMT by navya.junta.iitk.ac.in (squi
12 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: the problem, unfortunately, is that there is no root on the local machine. so the tunnel would have to go something like to ?
13 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: _29gauravdott : i will explain the last Error to them
14 | <mdipierro> stop
15 | <mdipierro> type what I say
16 | <mdipierro> login into your server
17 | <mdipierro> stop all web2py instances
18 | <mdipierro> then run
19 | <mdipierro> python web2py -i -p 8080 -a 'hello'
20 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: or 17. .. ?
21 | <mdipierro>
22 | <devilsadvocate> ok
23 | <mdipierro> what is your client? windows or linux?
24 | <ajuonline|mibbit> fedora
25 | <devilsadvocate> both are linux
26 | <devilsadvocate> client is mandriva
27 | <mdipierro> and the server is 172... correct
28 | <mdipierro> ?
29 | <devilsadvocate> yes
30 | <mdipierro> Now on your client machine do:
31 | <mdipierro> ssh -L 8080: username@
32 | <mdipierro> where username is your username
33 | * satyag has changed the topic to: Sahana testing with Fosskriti folks
34 | <mdipierro> hello?
35 | * dsa (n=dsa@archlinux/developer/dsa) has joined #sahana-testing
36 | * _29gauravdott has quit ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client")
37 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: that is done
38 | <devilsadvocate> they pinged out of mibbit. getting them reconnected
39 | <mdipierro> now on your client. open browser and visit
40 | <zakir> devilsadvocate: any update on the admin issue
41 | <zakir> ?
42 | <devilsadvocate> zakir: working on it
43 | <mdipierro> we are in the middle o testing an ssh tunnnel
44 | * _29gauravdott (i=cbc85f95@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-39f6a23c35b84593) has joined #sahana-testing
45 | <mdipierro> works?
46 | <_29gauravdott> mdipierro: one sec
47 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: no
48 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: the link you sent suggested mod_proxy?
49 | <devilsadvocate> we skipped that step right
50 | <mdipierro> no need
51 | <mdipierro> do ps aux is the tunnel still there>
52 | <devilsadvocate> the tunnel command opened what looks like a usual ssh session
53 | <devilsadvocate> that is still open
54 | <devilsadvocate> as ps aux shows ssh sessions
55 | <devilsadvocate> but they dont look like a tunel
56 | <devilsadvocate> and*
57 | <devilsadvocate> tunnel
58 | <devilsadvocate> as in, there is no difference between the tunnel ssh and the other one
59 | <mdipierro> let me try another ssh statement. get back to you in a sec
60 | <mdipierro> kill the previous tunnel (exit the ssh session it created) and run
61 | <mdipierro> ssh -L 8080: -l username -N
62 | <mdipierro> where username is your username
63 | <mdipierro> then use the client browser to access
64 | <mdipierro> if it still does not work try
65 | <mdipierro> sh -L 8080: -l username -N
66 | <mdipierro> and make sure the server is still running web2py (ps aux | grep web2py on server)
67 | <mdipierro> hello?
68 | <mdipierro> devilsadvocate:
69 | <devilsadvocate> doing it
70 | <devilsadvocate> server should be running web2py on 8080
71 | <devilsadvocate> right?
72 | <mdipierro> On the server you should have done: python web2py -i -p 8080 -a 'hello'
73 | <mdipierro> and is youf do ps aux " grep web2py on server it should show it
74 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: its not running on 8080
75 | <devilsadvocate> and it refuses to start one on 8080
76 | <devilsadvocate> let me nmap it
77 | <mdipierro> killall python on the server
78 | <devilsadvocate> umm
79 | <devilsadvocate> ok
80 | <mdipierro> check ps aux | grep python
81 | <mdipierro> why is this taking so long? Are you doing more than what I say?
82 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: there are 5 instances of python
83 | <devilsadvocate> actually many
84 | <mdipierro> I have to leave in 10 minutes.
85 | <mdipierro> kill all thos python isnatnces
86 | <devilsadvocate> but 5 which are listening on 8029, ie, were started by this user
87 | <devilsadvocate> killall python did not kill them
88 | <devilsadvocate> kill -SIGTERM pid had no effect
89 | <mdipierro> more than one person are using this machine?
90 | <mdipierro> kill -9 pid
91 | <devilsadvocate> 8080 is not blocked by a web2py instance
92 | <mdipierro> ok try
93 | <mdipierro> on server
94 | <satyag> devilsadvocate, take care only for this user
95 | <mdipierro> You did not say more than one person is using the same machine.
96 | <mdipierro> are they also using the same web2py folder?
97 | <mdipierro> is so the will overwrite admin password
98 | <devilsadvocate> satyag: thats what i am doing
99 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: when you ssh -L and put in the opassword, what is supposed to happen
100 | <mdipierro> there should be one web2py instance running of the same folder. Get you act together. tell the other users to shut down their web2py instances or use theirs
101 | <devilsadvocate> as in in that terminal
102 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: these were all started here
103 | <mdipierro> One thing at the time
104 | <devilsadvocate> i suspect the processes were sent to bg
105 | <mdipierro> You have not got the server up and running on have you>
106 | <mdipierro> ?
107 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: no
108 | <mdipierro> so
109 | <devilsadvocate> it refuses to open 8080
110 | <devilsadvocate> i think the ssh tunnel is blocking the port
111 | <mdipierro> so type only what I say not one line more
112 | <mdipierro> on server
113 | <mdipierro> ps aux | grep python
114 | <mdipierro> cut and paste the output here
115 | * _29gauravdott has quit (Remote closed the connection)
116 | <devilsadvocate> pastebinning it
117 | <devilsadvocate> one sec
118 | * _29gauravdott (i=cbc85f95@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-f75334833ca35623) has joined #sahana-testing
119 | * _29gauravdott has quit (Client Quit)
120 | * _29gauravdott (i=cbc85f95@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-d48c2f0cf2eaa645) has joined #sahana-testing
121 | <_29gauravdott> http://pastebin.com/m7a913ffc
122 | <flavour> Single shared server
123 | <flavour> Has a Web2Py instance for each user
124 | <flavour> Each has their own port available
125 | <mdipierro> All those web2py instances have to be killed (kill -9 id) by root or whoever sterated them
126 | <flavour> Why? Each has their own database etc don't they?
127 | <mdipierro> Onless they are running from different ports they will override each other admin password and people will be aunbale to login
128 | <flavour> They each have their own port
129 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: they are all on different ports
130 | <flavour> Their own applications folder
131 | <devilsadvocate> 8029 is assigned to this user
132 | <mdipierro> Are they different web2py installations? or do they share the same web2py/ folder?
133 | <flavour> Each uid has their own 80id port
134 | <mdipierro> forget ports
135 | <mdipierro> folders!
136 | <mdipierro> do they use the same web2py folder or not?
137 | * flavour doesn't know
138 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: different users, different home folders
139 | <zakir> mdipierro: diffrnt folders
140 | <flavour> Each home folder has own web2py folder, right?
141 | <zakir> yes
142 | <mdipierro> ok
143 | <devilsadvocate> flavour: mdipierro yes
144 | <mdipierro> so try this
145 | <mdipierro> so how are they using admin is they are running adn accessng remotely>
146 | <mdipierro> Are they all making tunnels?
147 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: yes
148 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: no
149 | <mdipierro> did they hack admin.controller/default.py?
150 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: there appeared to be no need for admin until now
151 | <mdipierro> ok
152 | <mdipierro> so this is settled.
153 | <mdipierro> now you type
154 | <mdipierro> python web2py -i -p 8180 -a 'hello'
155 | <mdipierro> or better
156 | <mdipierro> sorry
157 | <mdipierro> nohup python web2py -i -p 8180 -a 'hello' &
158 | <mdipierro> if you do ps aux | grep python is it there?
159 | <mdipierro> mdipierro thinking: why deviladvocate is running directly on the client machine?
160 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: no
161 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: dont have root on the clients
162 | <devilsadvocate> logistical issue
163 | <devilsadvocate> unfortunately
164 | <devilsadvocate> ok, we have a workaround
165 | <mdipierro> you do not need to
166 | <devilsadvocate> only one person claims top need admin
167 | <devilsadvocate> to *
168 | <devilsadvocate> we are giving root on server
169 | <devilsadvocate> and somehow it seems to work
170 | <devilsadvocate> im not exactly sure what it did
171 | <devilsadvocate> but it got into the interface
172 | <devilsadvocate> the web2py instance was started as root on 8080
173 | <mdipierro> I do not understand. DId this: nohup python web2py -i -p 8180 -a 'hello' &
174 | <mdipierro> work?
175 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: the process exited
176 | <devilsadvocate> it did not go into the background
177 | <mdipierro> what is in nohup.out
178 | <devilsadvocate> cant open file web2py no such file or directory
179 | <devilsadvocate> errno 21
180 | * chamindra (n=messenge@ has left #sahana-testing
181 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: my bad
182 | <mdipierro> where is web2py? pwd?
183 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: ok, the nohup thing worked
184 | <devilsadvocate> the extension was missing
185 | <mdipierro> type
186 | <devilsadvocate> as in the server is running on 8180
187 | <mdipierro> wget
188 | <devilsadvocate> wget worked
189 | <mdipierro> now go to client
190 | <mdipierro> and type
191 | <mdipierro> ssh -L 8180: -l username -N
192 | <mdipierro> with your username
193 | <mdipierro> and open the client broswer at
194 | <mdipierro> works?
195 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: no
196 | <devilsadvocate> same error
197 | <mdipierro> which error?
198 | <devilsadvocate> cant connect
199 | <devilsadvocate> port 8180 localhost is not open
200 | <mdipierro> try
201 | <mdipierro> ssh -L 8180: -l username -N
202 | <mdipierro> works?
203 | <devilsadvocate> still doesnt work
204 | <devilsadvocate> when the ssh -L is run, what is supposed to happen in the terminal
205 | <mdipierro> what happes when you try:
206 | <mdipierro> ssh -L 8180: -l username -N
207 | <devilsadvocate> once the password is entered, it sort of just waits there
208 | <mdipierro> it is supposed to block
209 | <mdipierro> good that is what it should do and you should leave it there
210 | <ajuonline|mibbit> pics of the venu: http://picasaweb.google.com/ajuonline/SahanaPyHackfestFOSSKriti#
211 | <devilsadvocate> thats what we were doing, just making sure
212 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: no go.
213 | <mdipierro> I do not know why ssh tunnel is not working. nothing to do with web2py
214 | <mdipierro> perhaps local firewall issue
215 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: yeah. we'll go with the workaround
216 | <devilsadvocate> of giving them root on the server
217 | <devilsadvocate> it for some reason works
218 | <mdipierro> ok sorry. I really have to go not
219 | <devilsadvocate> if i figure out why i will let you know
220 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: ok
221 | <devilsadvocate> thanks for all the help
222 | <satyag> mdipierro, thanks for the help
223 | <mdipierro> why root? what difference does it make?
224 | <devilsadvocate> sorry our setup had to be so complicated
225 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: i dont know
226 | <mdipierro> just run on the server with
227 | <mdipierro> python web2py.py -i -p 8180 -a "hello"
228 | <mdipierro> and edit applicaitons/controllers/default.py
229 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: i'll try to figure out what is going on and let you know if i have any insight
230 | <mdipierro> and comment:
231 | <devilsadvocate> you go ahead.. dont let us keep you...
232 | <mdipierro> elif not remote_addr in hosts:
233 | <mdipierro> raise HTTP(200,T('Admin is disabled because unsecure channel'))
234 | <devilsadvocate> mdipierro: so basically temporarily silence the seuirty check
235 | <devilsadvocate> ok
236 | <devilsadvocate> got it
237 | <mdipierro> yes
238 | <devilsadvocate> will do
239 | <mdipierro> have fun!
240 | * mdipierro (n=mdipierr@adsl-76-197-193-172.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) has left #sahana-testing
241 | <devilsadvocate> thanks
242 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: we are in using the root privileges - what's next
243 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, so aer you on with the admin page in browser
244 | <_29gauravdott> yes
245 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, click the admin interface and loging
246 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, click the admin interface and login
247 | <_29gauravdott> done
248 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, can you see sahana in the list
249 | <satyag> of installed applications
250 | <_29gauravdott> yup
251 | <satyag> click on sahana
252 | <_29gauravdott> yup
253 | <_29gauravdott> done
254 | <satyag> ok click on register
255 | <_29gauravdott> got an inferace of sahana
256 | <satyag> link on the top
257 | <_29gauravdott> err sahana
258 | <_29gauravdott> ya registered
259 | <_29gauravdott> and logged in
260 | <satyag> register as admin user
261 | <_29gauravdott> ??
262 | <flavour> 1st user to register is assigned the adminsitrator role
263 | <flavour> So just register a user
264 | <_29gauravdott> k done
265 | <flavour> That should automatically have logged you in as that user too
266 | <_29gauravdott> ya i am in
267 | <flavour> Modules | Sahana Home
268 | <flavour> Should have extra menu items
269 | <flavour> 1 of which is 'Test'
270 | <satyag> flavour, hmm i get ticket issued
271 | <flavour> That runs the current Selenium tests
272 | <flavour> satyag: When? What does ticket say?
273 | <flavour> (Use http://paste.pocoo.org/
274 | <satyag> flavour, when i try to login
275 | <satyag> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/103995/
276 | <flavour> accepts() got an unexpected keyword argument 'form_name'
277 | <satyag> flavour, any im back in
278 | <flavour> This is using current Trunk for both Web2Py & Sahana?
279 | <flavour> Wonder why you get that & no-one else does
280 | <satyag> flavour, yes from the demo server though
281 | <flavour> . /should/ be OK, but I wouldn't trust it
282 | <flavour> I don't see any form_name in my controllers/default.py
283 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, did you click on test link on the left side
284 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, click that see what happens
285 | <_29gauravdott> ya ran couple of tests
286 | <_29gauravdott> but not sure what's happening
287 | * zakir has quit ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client")
288 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, dont worry too much we will be doin that next
289 | <_29gauravdott> i added couple of people in the registry and deleted too
290 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, before that visit https://trac.sahanapy.org/wiki/BluePrints
291 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, wait
292 | <_29gauravdott> and also used selenium test runner
293 | <_29gauravdott> do the database allow the duplicate entries?
294 | <_29gauravdott> because selenium test runner entered two test persons with exact same info
295 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, we will get to that first have you read https://trac.sahanapy.org/wiki/BluePrints
296 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: will be back in 5 min
297 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, sure
298 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: m back reading blueprints
299 | <flavour> _29gauravdott: TestRunner should add random data
300 | <flavour> The Person bit is only very briefly done
301 | <flavour> Which fields can be dupolkicated or not is defined in the Model
302 | <flavour> In the table.field.requires lines
303 | <_29gauravdott> k
304 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, dont read all at once
305 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, lets pick up https://trac.sahanapy.org/wiki/BluePrintAuthenticationAccess
306 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: k on the way
307 | * devilsadvocate has quit ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client")
308 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, lets pick authorization
309 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, are you there
310 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: yup just reading on
311 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, just read the authorization part
312 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, one line "Anonymous access is granted for all Read operations, with Create/Update/Delete requiring a user to be Authenticated "
313 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: their are several possibilities in the authorization section
314 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, what do you understand by that line
315 | <flavour> That is the current system - very basic
316 | <flavour> We want to extend that
317 | <_29gauravdott> that means that it is a wiki like senario u can read stuff
318 | <flavour> So that tables & even fields can be protected for each action
319 | <flavour> tools.py has the functionality for that
320 | <_29gauravdott> but to modify or create or delete it u must to registered
321 | <flavour> (Sorry, that's off-topic for Testing)
322 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, yup
323 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, so lets create a test case base on this
324 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: go ahead
325 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, got firefox --->tools --->selenium ide
326 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: then?
327 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, now it will reacord all our actions
328 | <satyag> err record
329 | <_29gauravdott> ya its doing
330 | <satyag> the test scenario is "Anonymous access is granted for all Read operations, with Create/Update/Delete requiring a user to be Authenticated "
331 | <satyag> before that lets log out as admin
332 | <satyag> since we are testing for Anounymous access
333 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, before that close selenium ide also
334 | <_29gauravdott> done
335 | <satyag> start selenium ide again
336 | <_29gauravdott> yup done
337 | <satyag> so lets test this "Anonymous access is granted for all Read operations, with Create/Update/Delete requiring a user to be Authenticated "
338 | <satyag> and selenium will record it for us
339 | <satyag> try two or three operations
340 | <satyag> then stop the recording
341 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: i am not getting it how to test that
342 | <satyag> ok tell me where u r not following
343 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: so lets test this "Anonymous access is granted for all Read operations, with Create/Update/Delete requiring a user to be Authenticated "
344 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: what does this above line means
345 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, as you have understood the line it should allow anonymous access for certain operations
346 | <satyag> others should be authenticated
347 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: yup but how to test them
348 | <satyag> so we will try to create a test case
349 | <satyag> ok follow my steps
350 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: my aplozies for my poor testing skills
351 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, np
352 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, 1) logout of sahana
353 | <_29gauravdott> done
354 | <satyag> 2) Start selenium ide
355 | <satyag> selenium gets into record mode the moment it starts
356 | <_29gauravdott> next?
357 | <satyag> so all your actions will be recorded
358 | <_29gauravdott> ya
359 | <satyag> now you need to check the links in Sahana
360 | <satyag> if they comply with "Anonymous access is granted for all Read operations, with Create/Update/Delete requiring a user to be Authenticated" statement
361 | <satyag> and once you move around in the menu two or three steps stop selenium ide by pressing the red button
362 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, are you following dont hesitate to ask again ;-)
363 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, so what we are doing is actually creating a test case based on the Functional specs
364 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, trying to test if the code is in compliant with it or not
365 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: actually i am having the test window in another instance of firefox and selenium ide is not catching my actions from that instance
366 | <_29gauravdott> that another instance has the root access which was fired up through shell
367 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, ok then you start selenium from the instance where sahana is running
368 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, and do you have slenium ide installed for that if not do it
369 | <_29gauravdott> selenium ide not showing in that instance
370 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, ok install it
371 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, get into a new tab
372 | <satyag> http://release.openqa.org/selenium-ide/1.0-beta-2/selenium-ide-1.0-beta-2.xpi
373 | <satyag> and install
374 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: ya i installed it and am migrating completely to that instance so will be off for few seconds
375 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, teke your time
376 | * _29gauravdott has quit ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client")
377 | * _29gauravdott (i=d2d43703@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ac397979697bef16) has joined #sahana-testing
378 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: m back
379 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, start off with FF with Selenium
380 | <_29gauravdott> ya now its working and i am actually testing
381 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, cool
382 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, stop the ide after two or three steps
383 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: done
384 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, will show you how the test driver works and how these test cases have to be organized
385 | <satyag> selenium_ide ---> file -----> save test case
386 | <satyag> save test case as
387 | <_29gauravdott> saved
388 | <satyag> where did you save
389 | <_29gauravdott> in my working folder
390 | <satyag> anyway
391 | <satyag> you need to save it in /web2py/applications/sahana/static/selenium/tests
392 | <satyag> you can copy it to that folder
393 | <satyag> do it
394 | <_29gauravdott> saved as test1 in the directory u specified
395 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, better idea we can organize them too
396 | <_29gauravdott> like ?
397 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, since according to blueprints its authorization so lets creat a dir under tests as auth
398 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, all the tests related to authorization can go in there
399 | <_29gauravdott> k done that too
400 | <satyag> copy the html from your home to this dir
401 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, so are you done
402 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: i completed organization registry module tested and saved it
403 | <flavour> _29gauravdott: Sounds great :)
404 | <satyag> in the auth directory under selenium/tests
405 | <flavour> Pls push that up to Bzr on hack.sahanapy.org:
406 | <_29gauravdott> flavour: ya me too
407 | <flavour> bzr push bzr+ssh://hacker@hack.sahanapy.org/var/www/web2py/applications/sahana
408 | <satyag> flavour, not yet
409 | <satyag> flavour, need to add to the testsuite??
410 | <flavour> Yes pls :)
411 | <flavour> But even if not still useful stuff
412 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, so lets add this test case to the testsuite
413 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, before we push it
414 | * Joelio has quit ("Lost terminal")
415 | <_29gauravdott> its saying no new revisions to push
416 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, wait
417 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, go to /web2py/applications/sahana/static/selenium/tests
418 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, open the file TestSuite.html
419 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, add your testcase there
420 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: done
421 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: opened in vi
422 | <satyag> some where under <tr><td><a href="logout.html">Logout</a></td></tr>
423 | <satyag> _29gauravdott,whats your file name i mean the .html
424 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, is it under auth directory
425 | <ajuonline|mibbit> _29gauravdott: what user name you want on the WIKI ? so that you can document all the work you did. I need your name. user name,
426 | <_29gauravdott> organizationRegistryTestCase is the name of file
427 | <_29gauravdott> i want the name gauravdott
428 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, what do you say to the convention of naming them after the Blueprints
429 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, so that some consistency is there
430 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, and by just reading the file name we will know what kind of test it is
431 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, think about it
432 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: sorry abt that but i have not really not gone through naming conventions till now
433 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, np think something which will be easy to follow
434 | <satyag> and in line with specs from bluprints
435 | <satyag> you can document later also
436 | <satyag> since i see a scenario where we will be lost in tons of test cases withput a clue
437 | <ajuonline|mibbit> _29gauravdott: email?
438 | <satyag> what they are doing
439 | <_29gauravdott> gauravdott@yahoo.com
440 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, so its a good idea to keep the house in some order from day one ;-)
441 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, ok so you have saved the file
442 | <_29gauravdott> yup
443 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, after you add and entry for your file
444 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, we will test again if the test case we created is being called
445 | <satyag> flavour, you there
446 | <_29gauravdott> yup
447 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, so thats it to creating test cases for functionality
448 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, dont forget to check in your test cases
449 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, and start adding more test cases based on blue prints
450 | * flavour here
451 | <satyag> flavour, i am done explaining him the process
452 | <_29gauravdott> yup here their are lot of restrictions so i will be working on it once i get back at home
453 | <satyag> flavour, what next
454 | <flavour> satyag: Great explaining thanks :)
455 | <_29gauravdott> and hope everything is fine
456 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, np we will catch up
457 | <flavour> Basically repeat for other modules, add all to TestSuite & then bzr push them up
458 | <flavour> Well, release early, release often
459 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, there is plenty of stuff in testing
460 | <flavour> So bzr push up intermediate steps
461 | <_29gauravdott> satyag: thanks very very much for ur step by step detailed help
462 | <flavour> _29gauravdott: Great to hear you're up for carrying on afterwards :)
463 | <flavour> We can certainly use help
464 | <flavour> Selenium is a great tool
465 | <_29gauravdott> bye
466 | <flavour> _29gauravdott: Pls bzr push up the stuff you've done so we can build on that later
467 | <flavour> Rather than wasting it
468 | <satyag> _29gauravdott, do a push before you go
469 | <ajuonline|mibbit> awesome!! work :D
470 | <ajuonline|mibbit> thanks satyag & _29gauravdott
471 | * _29gauravdott has quit ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client")
472 | * ajuonline|mibbit has quit ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client")
473 | <satyag> flavour, i get an error when tryin to push
474 | <flavour> ?
475 | <satyag> bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Try using "merge" and then "push".
476 | <satyag> bzr push bzr+ssh://hacker@hack.sahanapy.org/var/www/web2py/applications/sahana
477 | <satyag> hacker@hack.sahanapy.org's password:
478 | <satyag> This transport does not update the working tree of: bzr+ssh://hacker@hack.sahanapy.org/var/www/web2py/applications/sahana/. See 'bzr help working-trees' for more information.
479 | <satyag> bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Try using "merge" and then "push".
480 | <flavour> Right, because nursix pushed the jquery fix
481 | <flavour> It'll be very safe to merge 1st as done in diff areas
482 | <flavour> So
483 | <flavour> bzr merge ........
484 | <flavour> then bzr push .....
485 | <satyag> yes did that
486 | <satyag> before that i did a ci also
487 | <satyag> flavour, ok got it to rev 99
488 | <flavour> push succesful? :)
489 | <satyag> good night
490 | <satyag> will sleep now
491 | * satyag (n=satyag@ has left #sahana-testing ("Leaving")
492 | * dsa (n=dsa@archlinux/developer/dsa) has left #sahana-testing ("Konversation terminated!") |