1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | set -e
3 |
4 | #
5 | # Install a Sahana Eden Developer environment in Ubuntu/Debian
6 | # - tested on Ubuntu 10.04 and 11.10, and Debian Wheezy
7 | #
8 |
9 | f_Quick() {
10 | MODE="quick"
11 | }
12 | f_Medium() {
13 | MODE="medium"
14 | }
15 | f_Full() {
16 | MODE="full"
17 | }
18 |
19 | if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
20 | # Offer a menu
21 | echo "Welcome to the Sahana Eden Dev Installation script for Ubuntu/Debian."
22 | echo "This will install a working verion of Sahana Eden into /home/web2py, and chown the directory to give the specified user access."
23 | echo
24 | echo "Select the Installation Type:"
25 | echo
26 | echo "1. Medium - installs all mandatory and some common optional dependencies. It is the normal recommended option."
27 | echo "2. Quick - installs only mandatory dependencies. This is recommended if you are on a slow Internet connection or need to get operational quickly."
28 | echo "3. Full - installs all optional dependencies & the Eclipse debugger. It is only recommended if you are on a fast Internet connection & are prepared to be patient."
29 | echo
30 | # I have explicitly mentioned what the user is supposed to write,People have been trying to write things like "Full/full/Medium/medium etc" instead of 1/2/3.
31 | echo -n "Your choice (Enter 1/2/3 depending on your requirements) ? : "
32 | read choice
33 |
34 | case "$choice" in
35 | 1) f_Medium ;;
36 | 2) f_Quick ;;
37 | 3) f_Full ;;
38 | *) echo "\"$choice\" is not valid" ; exit ;;
39 | esac
40 | elif [[ "$1" = "quick" ]]; then
41 | # Set the option direct
42 | MODE="quick"
43 | elif [[ "$1" = "medium" ]]; then
44 | # Set the option direct
45 | MODE="medium"
46 | elif [[ "$1" = "full" ]]; then
47 | # Set the option direct
48 | MODE="full"
49 | else
50 | echo >&2 "$1 is not a valid option!\nPlease use either 'quick', 'medium' or 'full'"
51 | exit 1
52 | fi
53 |
54 | #Update the repos
55 | sudo apt-get update
56 | # Install Git
57 | sudo apt-get install git-core
58 | # Install Python Libs
59 | #sudo apt-get install -y python2.7 python-dateutil
60 | sudo apt-get install -y python-lxml python-shapely python-dateutil
61 |
62 | if [[ "$MODE" = "medium" ]]; then
63 | sudo apt-get -y install python-reportlab python-xlrd python-xlwt
64 | elif [[ "$MODE" = "full" ]]; then
65 | sudo apt-get -y install python-reportlab python-xlrd python-xlwt
66 | sudo apt-get -y install python-matplotlib python-numpy
67 | sudo apt-get -y install eclipse-platform
68 | fi
69 |
70 | # Install Web2Py
71 | cd /home
72 |
73 | # Problem faced earlier:
74 | # Suppose the user enters wrong username, the script would just exit, leaving behind web2py folder in /home.
75 | # When the user tries to rerun the script , he would get an error message reading something like this
76 | # "Fatal error , web2py already exists in the path and is not an empty directory"
77 | # This is caused as we tried to clone the same repository, in the same previous location , where it already is present.
78 |
79 | # Fix:
80 | # Just deleted web2py already present and cloned it later. This solves the issue.
81 | # A better solution would be to add a check if the dir exists and
82 | # ask the user if he wants to delete it or not
83 | #rm -rf web2py
84 |
85 | #if [[ "$MODE" = "full" ]]; then
86 | # Currently need trunk
87 | git clone git://github.com/web2py/web2py.git
88 | #else
89 | # # Install the stable version
90 | # wget http://www.web2py.com/examples/static/web2py_src.zip
91 | # unzip web2py_src.zip
92 | #fi
93 |
94 | cat << EOF > /home/web2py/routes.py
95 | #!/usr/bin/python
96 | default_application = 'eden'
97 | default_controller = 'default'
98 | default_function = 'index'
99 | routes_onerror = [
100 | ('eden/400', '!'),
101 | ('eden/401', '!'),
102 | ('eden/*', '/eden/errors/index'),
103 | ('*/*', '/eden/errors/index'),
104 | ]
105 | EOF
106 |
107 | # Install Eden
108 | cd /home/web2py/applications
109 | git clone git://github.com/flavour/eden.git
110 |
111 | cp /home/web2py/applications/eden/modules/templates/000_config.py /home/web2py/applications/eden/models
112 | sed -i 's|EDITING_CONFIG_FILE = False|EDITING_CONFIG_FILE = True|' /home/web2py/applications/eden/models/000_config.py
113 |
114 | echo -n "What is your username ( Please enter your computer's username, and not your web2py username )? : "
115 | # Maybe we should consider checking validity of username entered first , before running chown -R $username /home/web2py
116 | read username
117 |
118 | if id -u $username >/dev/null 2>&1; then
119 | chown -R $username /home/web2py
120 |
121 | echo "Installation is now complete - you can run Sahana either by using the Eclipse debugger or else by running:"
122 | echo "cd /home/web2py; python web2py.py -a eden"
123 | echo "Then run Sahana by pointing your web browser at"
124 | echo "Be patient on the 1st run as the database needs to be created"
125 |
126 | else
127 | echo "username entered doesn't seem to be valid."
128 | fi
129 |
130 | #if ! `chown -R $username /home/web2py` ;then
131 | # echo "You probably entered an invalid username"
132 | #else
133 | #fi 2>/dev/null
134 |