1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | addressToMailTo="eden_test_results@sahanafoundation.org"
4 | SERVER_IP=""
5 |
6 | # Path of the result directories.
7 | path_to_automated_html_results="/var/spool/RESULTS/SELENIUM/"
8 | path_to_smoke_html_results="/var/spool/RESULTS/SMOKE/"
9 | path_to_roles_html_results="/var/spool/RESULTS/ROLES/"
10 |
11 | function append_selenium_results
12 | {
13 | # Get the template name from arguments
14 | template=$1
15 |
16 | ################# ADD SELENIUM TESTS RESULTS #################
17 |
18 | # Grab the latest file from the template test results directory
19 | results_path=$path_to_automated_html_results$template
20 | automated_latest_result=$results_path/`ls -rt $results_path | tail -1 `
21 | echo '' > /tmp/selenium.html
22 | cat "$automated_latest_result" > /tmp/selenium.html
23 |
24 | # Grab the line containing the Status Details of the test (First instance of the line containing "Status")
25 | statusLine=`cat /tmp/selenium.html | grep "Status" | head -1 | sed "s/<strong>Status:<\/strong>//"`
26 |
27 | URL_OF_SELENIUM_TESTS="http://$SERVER_IP/RESULTS/SELENIUM/"$template"/"$(python -c "import urllib; print urllib.quote('''`ls -rt $results_path | tail -1`''')")
28 |
29 | # Add inline CSS on the basis of the fact that the Status lines contain "Failure" and "Error" keywords or not
30 | if [[ $statusLine == *Failure* || $statusLine == *Error* ]]
31 | then
32 | style="'background-color:red'"
33 | #messageBody=$messageBody"<td style='background-color:red'>\n<strong><u>Selenium Tests</u></strong>::\n"$templateLine"\n"$statusLine"\n<i>Detailed Results</i> :: <a href='$URL_OF_SELENIUM_TESTS'>Click Here</a></td>\n"
34 | else
35 | style='background-color:greenyellow'
36 | #messageBody=$messageBody"<td style='background-color:greenyellow'>\n<strong><u>Selenium Tests</u></strong>::\n"$templateLine"\n"$statusLine"\n<i>Detailed Results</i> :: <a href='$URL_OF_SELENIUM_TESTS'>Click Here</a></td>\n"
37 | fi
38 |
39 | # Start a row for this test in the table
40 | messageBody=$messageBody"<tr>"
41 | messageBody=$messageBody"<td style="$style">"$template"</td>"
42 | messageBody=$messageBody"<td style="$style">Selenium</td>"
43 | messageBody=$messageBody"<td style="$style">"$statusLine"</td>"
44 | messageBody=$messageBody"<td style="$style"><a href='$URL_OF_SELENIUM_TESTS'>Detailed Results</a></td>"
45 | messageBody=$messageBody"</tr>"
46 | }
47 |
48 | function append_smoke_results
49 | {
50 | template=$1
51 |
52 | ################# ADD SMOKE TESTS RESULTS #################
53 |
54 | # Grab the latest file from the default test results directory
55 | results_path=$path_to_smoke_html_results$template
56 | smoke_latest_result=$results_path/`ls -rt $results_path | tail -1 `
57 | echo '' > /tmp/smoke.html
58 | cat "$smoke_latest_result" > /tmp/smoke.html
59 |
60 | # Grab the line containing the Status Details of the test (First instance of the line containing "Status")
61 | statusLine=`cat /tmp/smoke.html | grep "Status" | head -1 | sed "s/<strong>Status:<\/strong>//" `
62 |
63 | URL_OF_SMOKE_TESTS="http://$SERVER_IP/RESULTS/SMOKE/"$template"/"$(python -c "import urllib; print urllib.quote('''`ls -rt $results_path | tail -1`''')")
64 |
65 | # Add inline CSS on the basis of the fact that the Status lines contain "Faillur" and "Error" keywords or not
66 | if [[ $statusLine == *Failure* || $statusLine == *Error* ]]
67 | then
68 | style="'background-color:red'"
69 | else
70 | style='background-color:greenyellow'
71 | fi
72 |
73 | # Start a row for this test in the table
74 | messageBody=$messageBody"<tr>"
75 | messageBody=$messageBody"<td style="$style">"$template"</td>"
76 | messageBody=$messageBody"<td style="$style">Smoke</td>"
77 | messageBody=$messageBody"<td style="$style">"$statusLine"</td>"
78 | messageBody=$messageBody"<td style="$style"><a href='$URL_OF_SMOKE_TESTS'>Detailed Results</a></td>"
79 | messageBody=$messageBody"</tr>"
80 | }
81 |
82 | function append_roles_results
83 | {
84 | template=$1
85 | ################# ADD ROLES TESTS RESULTS #################
86 |
87 | # Grab the latest file from the default test results directory
88 | results_path=$path_to_roles_html_results$template
89 | roles_latest_result=$results_path/`ls -rt $results_path | tail -1 `
90 | echo '' > /tmp/roles.html
91 | cat "$roles_latest_result" > /tmp/roles.html
92 |
93 | # Grab the line containing the Status Details of the test (First instance of the line containing "Status")
94 | statusLine=`cat /tmp/roles.html | grep "Status" | head -1 | sed "s/<strong>Status:<\/strong>//" `
95 |
96 | URL_OF_ROLES_TESTS="http://$SERVER_IP/RESULTS/ROLES/"$template"/"$(python -c "import urllib; print urllib.quote('''`ls -rt $results_path | tail -1`''')")
97 |
98 | # Add inline CSS on the basis of the fact that the Status lines contain "Faillur" and "Error" keywords or not
99 | if [[ $statusLine == *Failure* || $statusLine == *Error* ]]
100 | then
101 | style="'background-color:red'"
102 | else
103 | style='background-color:greenyellow'
104 | fi
105 |
106 | # Start a row for this test in the table
107 | messageBody=$messageBody"<tr>"
108 | messageBody=$messageBody"<td style="$style">"$template"</td>"
109 | messageBody=$messageBody"<td style="$style">Roles</td>"
110 | messageBody=$messageBody"<td style="$style">"$statusLine"</td>"
111 | messageBody=$messageBody"<td style="$style"><a href='$URL_OF_ROLES_TESTS'>Detailed Results</a></td>"
112 | messageBody=$messageBody"</tr>"
113 | }
114 |
115 | messageBody="<h3>Sahana Eden Continuous Integration Server Test Results : </h3>\n"
116 |
117 | #### Obtain and attach the Head of the Eden Repository during the test ####
118 | cd /home/web2py/applications/eden
119 | LINK_TO_LATEST_COMMIT=`git log --format="%H ### %an ### %ad ### %s" --date=iso | head -1 | python -c "line = raw_input().split('###'); \
120 | print '<b>Commit Hash</b>: <a href=\'https://github.com/flavour/eden/commit/'+line[0]+'\'>'+line[0]+'</a><br/> \
121 | <b>Commit Message</b>: <a href=\'https://github.com/flavour/eden/commit/'+line[0]+'\'>'+line[3]+'</a><br/>\
122 | <b>Commit Author </b>: '+line[1]+'<br/>\
123 | <b>Commit Time</b> : '+line[2]+'<br/><br/>'"`
124 | # Start the table for the results.
125 | messageBody=$messageBody"<table width = '"100%"'>"
126 | messageBody=$messageBody"<tr><td><b>Template</b></td><td><b>Test Type</b></td><td><b>Status</b></td><td></td></tr>"
127 |
128 | # Add test results
129 | append_selenium_results IFRC
130 | append_smoke_results IFRC
131 | append_roles_results IFRC
132 | append_selenium_results default
133 | append_smoke_results default
134 | append_selenium_results SandyRelief
135 | append_smoke_results SandyRelief
136 | append_selenium_results DRMP
137 | append_smoke_results DRMP
138 | append_selenium_results CRMT
139 | append_smoke_results CRMT
140 | append_smoke_results DRRPP
141 | append_roles_results DRRPP
142 |
143 |
144 | # End the table tag.
145 | messageBody=$messageBody"</table>"
146 |
147 | # Add the head of the repository information
148 | messageBody=$messageBody"<u><h4>Head Of the Repository during Testing at :</h4></u>\n$LINK_TO_LATEST_COMMIT \n\n"
149 |
150 | ##
151 | # Prepare muttrc for this mail
152 | echo 'set from="Sahana Eden CI Server <notifications@ci.eden.sahanafoundation.org>' > /tmp/muttrc
153 | ##
154 |
155 | # Send the test results to the mailing list
156 | echo -e $messageBody | mutt -e "set content_type=text/html" -s "Sahana Eden CI Server Test Results (`date -u "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC"`) " -F /tmp/muttrc -- sahana-eden-ci-server@googlegroups.com
157 | #echo -e $messageBody | mutt -e "set content_type=text/html" -s "Sahana Eden CI Server Test Results (`date -u "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC"`) " -F /tmp/muttrc -- somay.jain@gmail.com
158 |
159 | if [ "$?" = '0' ]; then
160 | echo "Mail Sent"
161 | else
162 | echo "Unable to Send file...."
163 | fi