1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # coding: utf8
3 |
4 | """
5 | OpenID authentication for web2py
6 |
7 | Allowed using OpenID login together with web2py built-in login.
8 |
9 | By default, to support OpenID login, put this in your db.py
10 |
11 | >>> from gluon.contrib.login_methods.openid_auth import OpenIDAuth
12 | >>> auth.settings.login_form = OpenIDAuth(auth)
13 |
14 | To show OpenID list in user profile, you can add the following code
15 | before the end of function user() of your_app/controllers/default.py
16 |
17 | + if (request.args and request.args(0) == "profile"):
18 | + form = DIV(form, openid_login_form.list_user_openids())
19 | return dict(form=form, login_form=login_form, register_form=register_form, self_registration=self_registration)
20 |
21 | More detail in the description of the class OpenIDAuth.
22 |
23 | Requirements:
24 | python-openid version 2.2.5 or later
25 |
26 | Reference:
27 | * w2p openID
28 | http://w2popenid.appspot.com/init/default/wiki/w2popenid
29 | * RPX and web2py auth module
30 | http://www.web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/28
31 | * built-in file: gluon/contrib/login_methods/rpx_account.py
32 | * built-in file: gluon/tools.py (Auth class)
33 | """
34 | import time
35 | from datetime import datetime, timedelta
36 |
37 | from gluon.html import *
38 | from gluon.http import redirect
39 | from gluon.storage import Storage, Messages
40 | from gluon.sql import Field, SQLField
41 | from gluon.validators import IS_NOT_EMPTY, IS_NOT_IN_DB
42 |
43 | try:
44 | import openid.consumer.consumer
45 | from openid.association import Association
46 | from openid.store.interface import OpenIDStore
47 | from openid.extensions.sreg import SRegRequest, SRegResponse
48 | from openid.store import nonce
49 | from openid.consumer.discover import DiscoveryFailure
50 | except ImportError, err:
51 | raise ImportError("OpenIDAuth requires python-openid package")
52 |
53 | DEFAULT = lambda: None
54 |
55 | class OpenIDAuth(object):
56 | """
57 | OpenIDAuth
58 |
59 | It supports the logout_url, implementing the get_user and login_form
60 | for cas usage of gluon.tools.Auth.
61 |
62 | It also uses the ExtendedLoginForm to allow the OpenIDAuth login_methods
63 | combined with the standard logon/register procedure.
64 |
65 | It uses OpenID Consumer when render the form and begins the OpenID
66 | authentication.
67 |
68 | Example: (put these code after auth.define_tables() in your models.)
69 |
70 | auth = Auth(globals(), db) # authentication/authorization
71 | ...
72 | auth.define_tables() # creates all needed tables
73 | ...
74 |
75 | #include in your model after auth has been defined
76 | from gluon.contrib.login_methods.openid_auth import OpenIDAuth
77 | openid_login_form = OpenIDAuth(request, auth, db)
78 |
79 | from gluon.contrib.login_methods.extended_login_form import ExtendedLoginForm
80 | extended_login_form = ExtendedLoginForm(request, auth, openid_login_form,
81 | signals=['oid','janrain_nonce'])
82 |
83 | auth.settings.login_form = extended_login_form
84 | """
85 |
86 | def __init__(self, auth):
87 | self.auth = auth
88 | self.db = auth.db
89 | self.environment = auth.environment
90 |
91 | request = self.environment.request
92 | self.nextvar = '_next'
93 | self.realm = 'http://%s' % request.env.http_host
94 | self.login_url = auth.environment.URL(r=request, f='user', args=['login'])
95 | self.return_to_url = self.realm + self.login_url
96 |
97 | self.table_alt_logins_name = "alt_logins"
98 | if not auth.settings.table_user:
99 | raise
100 | self.table_user = self.auth.settings.table_user
101 | self.openid_expiration = 15 #minutes
102 |
103 | self.messages = self._define_messages()
104 |
105 | if not self.table_alt_logins_name in self.db.tables:
106 | self._define_alt_login_table()
107 |
108 | def _define_messages(self):
109 | messages = Messages(self.environment.T)
110 | messages.label_alt_login_username = 'Sign-in with OpenID: '
111 | messages.label_add_alt_login_username = 'Add a new OpenID: '
112 | messages.submit_button = 'Sign in'
113 | messages.submit_button_add = 'Add'
114 | messages.a_delete = 'Delete'
115 | messages.comment_openid_signin = 'More about OpenID'
116 | messages.comment_openid_help_title = 'Start using your OpenID'
117 | messages.comment_openid_help_url = 'http://openid.net/get-an-openid/start-using-your-openid/'
118 | messages.openid_fail_discover = 'Failed to discover OpenID service. Check your OpenID or "More about OpenID"?'
119 | messages.flash_openid_expired = 'OpenID expired. Please login or authenticate OpenID again. Sorry for the inconvenient.'
120 | messages.flash_openid_associated = 'OpenID associated'
121 | messages.flash_associate_openid = 'Please login or register an account for this OpenID.'
122 | messages.p_openid_not_registered = ("There is no Sahana account associated with that OpenID. "
123 | + "Would you like to create one?")
124 | messages.flash_openid_authenticated = 'OpenID authenticated successfully.'
125 | messages.flash_openid_fail_authentication = 'OpenID authentication failed. (Error message: %s)'
126 | messages.flash_openid_canceled = 'OpenID authentication canceled by user.'
127 | messages.flash_openid_need_setup = 'OpenID authentication needs to be setup by the user with the provider first.'
128 | messages.h_openid_login = 'OpenID Login'
129 | messages.h_openid_list = 'OpenID List'
130 | return messages
131 |
132 | def _define_alt_login_table(self):
133 | """
134 | Define the OpenID login table.
135 | Note: type is what I used for our project. We're going to support 'fackbook' and
136 | 'plurk' alternate login methods. Otherwise it's always 'openid' and you
137 | may not need it. This should be easy to changed.
138 | (Just remove the field of "type" and remove the
139 | "and db.alt_logins.type == type_" in _find_matched_openid function)
140 | """
141 | db = self.db
142 | table = db.define_table(
143 | self.table_alt_logins_name,
144 | Field('username', length=512, default=''),
145 | Field('type', length=128, default='openid', readable=False),
146 | Field('auth_user', self.table_user, readable=False),
147 | )
148 | table.username.requires = IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, table.username)
149 | self.table_alt_logins = table
150 |
151 | def logout_url(self, next):
152 | """
153 | Delete the w2popenid record in session as logout
154 | """
155 | if self.environment.session.w2popenid:
156 | del(self.environment.session.w2popenid)
157 | return next
158 |
159 | def login_form(self):
160 | """
161 | Start to process the OpenID response if 'janrain_nonce' in request parameters
162 | and not processed yet. Else return the OpenID form for login.
163 | """
164 | request = self.environment.request
165 | if request.vars.has_key('janrain_nonce') and not self._processed():
166 | self._process_response()
167 | return self.auth()
168 | return self._form()
169 |
170 | def get_user(self):
171 | """
172 | It supports the logout_url, implementing the get_user and login_form
173 | for cas usage of gluon.tools.Auth.
174 | """
175 | environment = self.environment
176 | request = environment.request
177 | args = request.args
178 |
179 | if args[0] == 'logout':
180 | return True # Let logout_url got called
181 |
182 | if environment.session.w2popenid:
183 | w2popenid = environment.session.w2popenid
184 | db = self.db
185 | if (w2popenid.ok is True and w2popenid.oid): # OpenID authenticated
186 | if self._w2popenid_expired(w2popenid): # OpenID expired
187 | del(self.environment.session.w2popenid)
188 | flash = self.messages.flash_openid_expired
189 | environment.session.warning = flash
190 | redirect(self.auth.settings.login_url)
191 |
192 | oid = self._remove_protocol(w2popenid.oid)
193 | alt_login = self._find_matched_openid(db, oid)
194 |
195 | nextvar = self.nextvar
196 | # This OpenID not in the database. If user logged in then add it
197 | # into database, else ask user to login or register.
198 | if not alt_login:
199 | if self.auth.is_logged_in():
200 | # TODO: ask first maybe
201 | self._associate_user_openid(self.auth.user, oid)
202 | if self.environment.session.w2popenid:
203 | del(self.environment.session.w2popenid)
204 | environment.session.flash = self.messages.flash_openid_associated
205 | if request.vars.has_key(nextvar):
206 | redirect(request.vars[nextvar])
207 | redirect(self.auth.settings.login_next)
208 |
209 | if not request.vars.has_key(nextvar):
210 | if ('first_time_login' not in w2popenid or
211 | w2popenid.first_time_login == True):
212 | page = 'register'
213 | w2popenid.first_time_login = False
214 | else:
215 | page = 'login'
216 | # no next var, add it and do login again
217 | # so if user login or register can go back here to associate the OpenID
218 | environment.session.flash = self.messages.p_openid_not_registered
219 | redirect(self.environment.URL(r=request,
220 | args=[page],
221 | vars={nextvar:self.login_url}))
222 | #self.login_form = self._form_with_notification()
223 | if self.auth.settings.login_form in (self.auth, self):
224 | self.auth.settings.login_form = self.auth
225 | self.login_form = self.auth()
226 | #environment.session.flash = self.messages.flash_associate_openid
227 | return None # need to login or register to associate this openid
228 |
229 | # Get existed OpenID user
230 | user = db(self.table_user.id==alt_login.auth_user).select().first()
231 | if user:
232 | if self.environment.session.w2popenid:
233 | del(self.environment.session.w2popenid)
234 | if 'username' in self.table_user.fields():
235 | username = 'username'
236 | elif 'email' in self.table_user.fields():
237 | username = 'email'
238 | return {username: user[username]} if user else None # login success (almost)
239 |
240 | return None # just start to login
241 |
242 | def _find_matched_openid(self, db, oid, type_='openid'):
243 | """
244 | Get the matched OpenID for given
245 | """
246 | query = ((db.alt_logins.username == oid) & (db.alt_logins.type == type_))
247 | alt_login = db(query).select().first() # Get the OpenID record
248 | return alt_login
249 |
250 | def _associate_user_openid(self, user, oid):
251 | """
252 | Associate the user logged in with given OpenID
253 | """
254 | print "[DB] %s authenticated" % oid
255 | self.db.alt_logins.insert(username=oid, auth_user=user)
256 |
257 | def _form_with_notification(self):
258 | """
259 | Render the form for normal login with a notice of OpenID authenticated
260 | """
261 | form = DIV()
262 | # TODO: check when will happen
263 | if self.auth.settings.login_form in (self.auth, self):
264 | self.auth.settings.login_form = self.auth
265 | form = DIV(self.auth())
266 |
267 | register_note = DIV(P(B(self.messages.p_openid_not_registered)))
268 | form.components.append(register_note)
269 | return lambda: form
270 |
271 | def _remove_protocol(self, oid):
272 | """
273 | Remove https:// or http:// from oid url
274 | """
275 | protocol = 'https://'
276 | if oid.startswith(protocol):
277 | oid = oid[len(protocol):]
278 | return oid
279 | protocol = 'http://'
280 | if oid.startswith(protocol):
281 | oid = oid[len(protocol):]
282 | return oid
283 | return oid
284 |
285 | def _init_consumerhelper(self):
286 | """
287 | Initialize the ConsumerHelper
288 | """
289 | if not hasattr(self, "consumerhelper"):
290 | self.consumerhelper = ConsumerHelper(self.environment.session,
291 | self.db)
292 | return self.consumerhelper
293 |
294 |
295 | def _form(self, style=None):
296 | w2popenid = self.environment.session.w2popenid
297 | if (w2popenid and w2popenid.ok is True and w2popenid.oid): # OpenID authenticated
298 | oid = self._remove_protocol(w2popenid.oid)
299 | form = P('OpenID: ' + oid, ' ', A("Remove",
300 | _href=self.environment.URL(r=self.environment.request,
301 | args=['logout'],
302 | vars={self.nextvar:self.login_url})
303 | ))
304 | return form
305 |
306 | form = DIV(H3(self.messages.h_openid_login), self._login_form(style))
307 | return form
308 |
309 | def _login_form(self,
310 | openid_field_label=None,
311 | submit_button=None,
312 | _next=None,
313 | style=None):
314 | """
315 | Render the form for OpenID login
316 | """
317 | def warning_openid_fail(session):
318 | session.warning = messages.openid_fail_discover
319 |
320 | style = style or """
321 | background-attachment: scroll;
322 | background-repeat: no-repeat;
323 | background-image: url("http://wiki.openid.net/f/openid-16x16.gif");
324 | background-position: 0% 50%;
325 | background-color: transparent;
326 | padding-left: 18px;
327 | width: 400px;
328 | """
329 | style = style.replace("\n","")
330 |
331 | request = self.environment.request
332 | session = self.environment.session
333 | messages = self.messages
334 | hidden_next_input = ""
335 | if _next == 'profile':
336 | profile_url = self.environment.URL(r=request, f='user', args=['profile'])
337 | hidden_next_input = INPUT(_type="hidden", _name="_next", _value=profile_url)
338 | form = FORM(openid_field_label or self.messages.label_alt_login_username,
339 | INPUT(_type="input", _name="oid",
340 | requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=messages.openid_fail_discover),
341 | _style=style),
342 | hidden_next_input,
343 | INPUT(_type="submit", _value=submit_button or messages.submit_button),
344 | " ",
345 | A(messages.comment_openid_signin,
346 | _href=messages.comment_openid_help_url,
347 | _title=messages.comment_openid_help_title,
348 | _class='openid-identifier',
349 | _target="_blank"),
350 | _action=self.login_url
351 | )
352 | if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
353 | oid = request.vars.oid
354 | consumerhelper = self._init_consumerhelper()
355 | url = self.login_url
356 | return_to_url = self.return_to_url
357 | if not oid:
358 | warning_openid_fail(session)
359 | redirect(url)
360 | try:
361 | if request.vars.has_key('_next'):
362 | return_to_url = self.return_to_url + '?_next=' + request.vars._next
363 | url = consumerhelper.begin(oid, self.realm, return_to_url)
364 | except DiscoveryFailure:
365 | warning_openid_fail(session)
366 | redirect(url)
367 | return form
368 |
369 | def _processed(self):
370 | """
371 | Check if w2popenid authentication is processed.
372 | Return True if processed else False.
373 | """
374 | processed = (hasattr(self.environment.session, 'w2popenid') and
375 | self.environment.session.w2popenid.ok is True)
376 | return processed
377 |
378 | def _set_w2popenid_expiration(self, w2popenid):
379 | """
380 | Set expiration for OpenID authentication.
381 | """
382 | w2popenid.expiration = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=self.openid_expiration)
383 |
384 | def _w2popenid_expired(self, w2popenid):
385 | """
386 | Check if w2popenid authentication is expired.
387 | Return True if expired else False.
388 | """
389 | return (not w2popenid.expiration) or (datetime.now() > w2popenid.expiration)
390 |
391 | def _process_response(self):
392 | """
393 | Process the OpenID by ConsumerHelper.
394 | """
395 | environment = self.environment
396 | request = environment.request
397 | request_vars = request.vars
398 | consumerhelper = self._init_consumerhelper()
399 | process_status = consumerhelper.process_response(request_vars, self.return_to_url)
400 | if process_status == "success":
401 | w2popenid = environment.session.w2popenid
402 | user_data = self.consumerhelper.sreg()
403 | environment.session.w2popenid.ok = True
404 | self._set_w2popenid_expiration(w2popenid)
405 | w2popenid.user_data = user_data
406 | environment.session.flash = self.messages.flash_openid_authenticated
407 | elif process_status == "failure":
408 | flash = self.messages.flash_openid_fail_authentication % consumerhelper.error_message
409 | environment.session.warning = flash
410 | elif process_status == "cancel":
411 | environment.session.warning = self.messages.flash_openid_canceled
412 | elif process_status == "setup_needed":
413 | environment.session.warning = self.messages.flash_openid_need_setup
414 |
415 | def list_user_openids(self):
416 | messages = self.messages
417 | environment = self.environment
418 | request = environment.request
419 | if request.vars.has_key('delete_openid'):
420 | self.remove_openid(request.vars.delete_openid)
421 |
422 | query = self.db.alt_logins.auth_user == self.auth.user.id
423 | alt_logins = self.db(query).select()
424 | l = []
425 | for alt_login in alt_logins:
426 | username = alt_login.username
427 | delete_href = environment.URL(r=request, f='user',
428 | args=['profile'],
429 | vars={'delete_openid': username})
430 | delete_link = A(messages.a_delete, _href=delete_href)
431 | l.append(LI(username, " ", delete_link))
432 |
433 | profile_url = environment.URL(r=request, f='user', args=['profile'])
434 | #return_to_url = self.return_to_url + '?' + self.nextvar + '=' + profile_url
435 | openid_list = DIV(H3(messages.h_openid_list), UL(l),
436 | self._login_form(
437 | _next='profile',
438 | submit_button=messages.submit_button_add,
439 | openid_field_label=messages.label_add_alt_login_username)
440 | )
441 | return openid_list
442 |
443 |
444 | def remove_openid(self, openid):
445 | query = self.db.alt_logins.username == openid
446 | self.db(query).delete()
447 |
448 | class ConsumerHelper(object):
449 | """
450 | ConsumerHelper knows the python-openid and
451 | """
452 |
453 | def __init__(self, session, db):
454 | self.session = session
455 | store = self._init_store(db)
456 | self.consumer = openid.consumer.consumer.Consumer(session, store)
457 |
458 | def _init_store(self, db):
459 | """
460 | Initialize Web2pyStore
461 | """
462 | if not hasattr(self, "store"):
463 | store = Web2pyStore(db)
464 | session = self.session
465 | if not session.has_key('w2popenid'):
466 | session.w2popenid = Storage()
467 | self.store = store
468 | return self.store
469 |
470 | def begin(self, oid, realm, return_to_url):
471 | """
472 | Begin the OpenID authentication
473 | """
474 | w2popenid = self.session.w2popenid
475 | w2popenid.oid = oid
476 | auth_req = self.consumer.begin(oid)
477 | auth_req.addExtension(SRegRequest(required=['email','nickname']))
478 | url = auth_req.redirectURL(return_to=return_to_url, realm=realm)
479 | return url
480 |
481 | def process_response(self, request_vars, return_to_url):
482 | """
483 | Complete the process and
484 | """
485 | resp = self.consumer.complete(request_vars, return_to_url)
486 | if resp:
487 | if resp.status == openid.consumer.consumer.SUCCESS:
488 | self.resp = resp
489 | if hasattr(resp, "identity_url"):
490 | self.session.w2popenid.oid = resp.identity_url
491 | return "success"
492 | if resp.status == openid.consumer.consumer.FAILURE:
493 | self.error_message = resp.message
494 | return "failure"
495 | if resp.status == openid.consumer.consumer.CANCEL:
496 | return "cancel"
497 | if resp.status == openid.consumer.consumer.SETUP_NEEDED:
498 | return "setup_needed"
499 | return "no resp"
500 |
501 | def sreg(self):
502 | """
503 | Try to get OpenID Simple Registation
504 | http://openid.net/specs/openid-simple-registration-extension-1_0.html
505 | """
506 | if self.resp:
507 | resp = self.resp
508 | sreg_resp = SRegResponse.fromSuccessResponse(resp)
509 | return sreg_resp.data if sreg_resp else None
510 | else:
511 | return None
512 |
513 |
514 | class Web2pyStore(OpenIDStore):
515 | """
516 | Web2pyStore
517 |
518 | This class implements the OpenIDStore interface. OpenID stores take care
519 | of persisting nonces and associations. The Janrain Python OpenID library
520 | comes with implementations for file and memory storage. Web2pyStore uses
521 | the web2py db abstration layer. See the source code docs of OpenIDStore
522 | for a comprehensive description of this interface.
523 | """
524 |
525 | def __init__(self, database):
526 | self.database = database
527 | self.table_oid_associations_name = 'oid_associations'
528 | self.table_oid_nonces_name = 'oid_nonces'
529 | self._initDB()
530 |
531 | def _initDB(self):
532 |
533 | if self.table_oid_associations_name not in self.database:
534 | self.database.define_table(self.table_oid_associations_name,
535 | SQLField('server_url', 'string', length=2047, required=True),
536 | SQLField('handle', 'string', length=255, required=True),
537 | SQLField('secret', 'blob', required=True),
538 | SQLField('issued', 'integer', required=True),
539 | SQLField('lifetime', 'integer', required=True),
540 | SQLField('assoc_type', 'string', length=64, required=True)
541 | )
542 | if self.table_oid_nonces_name not in self.database:
543 | self.database.define_table(self.table_oid_nonces_name,
544 | SQLField('server_url', 'string', length=2047, required=True),
545 | SQLField('time_stamp', 'integer', required=True),
546 | SQLField('salt', 'string', length=40, required=True)
547 | )
548 |
549 | def storeAssociation(self, server_url, association):
550 | """
551 | Store associations. If there already is one with the same
552 | server_url and handle in the table replace it.
553 | """
554 |
555 | db = self.database
556 | query = (db.oid_associations.server_url == server_url) & (db.oid_associations.handle == association.handle)
557 | db(query).delete()
558 | db.oid_associations.insert(server_url = server_url,
559 | handle = association.handle,
560 | secret = association.secret,
561 | issued = association.issued,
562 | lifetime = association.lifetime,
563 | assoc_type = association.assoc_type), 'insert '*10
564 |
565 | def getAssociation(self, server_url, handle=None):
566 | """
567 | Return the association for server_url and handle. If handle is
568 | not None return the latests associations for that server_url.
569 | Return None if no association can be found.
570 | """
571 |
572 | db = self.database
573 | query = (db.oid_associations.server_url == server_url)
574 | if handle:
575 | query &= (db.oid_associations.handle == handle)
576 | rows = db(query).select(orderby=db.oid_associations.issued)
577 | keep_assoc, _ = self._removeExpiredAssocations(rows)
578 | if len(keep_assoc) == 0:
579 | return None
580 | else:
581 | assoc = keep_assoc.pop() # pop the last one as it should be the latest one
582 | return Association(assoc['handle'],
583 | assoc['secret'],
584 | assoc['issued'],
585 | assoc['lifetime'],
586 | assoc['assoc_type'])
587 |
588 | def removeAssociation(self, server_url, handle):
589 | db = self.database
590 | query = (db.oid_associations.server_url == server_url) & (db.oid_associations.handle == handle)
591 | return db(query).delete() != None
592 |
593 | def useNonce(self, server_url, time_stamp, salt):
594 | """
595 | This method returns Falase if a nonce has been used before or its
596 | time_stamp is not current.
597 | """
598 |
599 | db = self.database
600 | if abs(time_stamp - time.time()) > nonce.SKEW:
601 | return False
602 | query = (db.oid_nonces.server_url == server_url) & (db.oid_nonces.time_stamp == time_stamp) & (db.oid_nonces.salt == salt)
603 | if db(query).count() > 0:
604 | return False
605 | else:
606 | db.oid_nonces.insert(server_url = server_url,
607 | time_stamp = time_stamp,
608 | salt = salt)
609 | return True
610 |
611 | def _removeExpiredAssocations(self, rows):
612 | """
613 | This helper function is not part of the interface. Given a list of
614 | association rows it checks which associations have expired and
615 | deletes them from the db. It returns a tuple of the form
616 | ([valid_assoc], no_of_expired_assoc_deleted).
617 | """
618 |
619 | db = self.database
620 | keep_assoc = []
621 | remove_assoc = []
622 | t1970 = time.time()
623 | for r in rows:
624 | if r['issued'] + r['lifetime'] < t1970:
625 | remove_assoc.append(r)
626 | else:
627 | keep_assoc.append(r)
628 | for r in remove_assoc:
629 | del db.oid_associations[r['id']]
630 | return (keep_assoc, len(remove_assoc)) # return tuple (list of valid associations, number of deleted associations)
631 |
632 | def cleanupNonces(self):
633 | """
634 | Remove expired nonce entries from DB and return the number
635 | of entries deleted.
636 | """
637 |
638 | db = self.database
639 | query = (db.oid_nonces.time_stamp < time.time() - nonce.SKEW)
640 | return db(query).delete()
641 |
642 | def cleanupAssociations(self):
643 | """
644 | Remove expired associations from db and return the number
645 | of entries deleted.
646 | """
647 |
648 | db = self.database
649 | query = (db.oid_associations.id > 0)
650 | return self._removeExpiredAssocations(db(query).select())[1] #return number of assoc removed
651 |
652 | def cleanup(self):
653 | """
654 | This method should be run periodically to free the db from
655 | expired nonce and association entries.
656 | """
657 |
658 | return self.cleanupNonces(), self.cleanupAssociations()
659 |