1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | # Script to update the database after the GIS schema changes:
4 | # https://github.com/flavour/eden/commit/393ee22bd91a9125181c09da25a9463692326f7c
5 |
6 | # This is designed for use with uWSGI (i.e. Cherokee)
7 | # - it will need minor tweaking to work with Apache/mod_WSGI (i.e. the part for stop/starting the service)
8 | # It has been tested with PostgreSQL and a little with MySQL
9 |
10 | # Usage:
11 | #wget http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/raw-attachment/wiki/UserGuidelines/Admin/Upgrade/db_migration_4_gis.sh
12 | #chmod +x db_migration_4_gis.sh
13 | #clean test # Update the Test instance with current Prod data
14 | #./db_migration_4_gis.sh test
15 |
16 | # Test it out & confirm that all is working for you, then repeat for Prod:
17 | #./db_migration_4_gis.sh prod
18 |
19 | set -e
20 | if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
21 | echo >&2 "Instance needs to be specified: web2py, prod or test"
22 | exit 1
23 | elif [[ ! -d "/home/$1" ]]; then
24 | echo >&2 "$1 is not a valid instance!"
25 | exit 1
26 | fi
27 | INSTANCE=$1
28 | cd /home/$INSTANCE
29 |
30 | # Shutdown instance
31 | /etc/init.d/uwsgi-$INSTANCE stop
32 |
33 | # Update s3migration
34 | cd applications/eden/modules
35 | rm s3migration.py
36 | wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flavour/eden/624a0cd370624d1f44b83b3e7cca72c03096cc78/modules/s3migration.py
37 |
38 | cd /home/$INSTANCE
39 | rm -rf applications/eden/compiled
40 | #python web2py.py -S eden -M -R applications/eden/static/scripts/tools/compile.py
41 |
42 | # Back up relevant Data
43 | cat << EOF > "/tmp/prep.py"
44 | m = local_import("s3migration")
45 | migrate = m.S3Migration()
46 | migrate.prep(foreigns = [("gis_config", "symbology_id"),
47 | ("org_organisation", "organisation_type_id"), # Not GIS-related, but a recent change
48 | ],
49 | moves={"gis_layer_arcrest":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
50 | "gis_layer_coordinate":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
51 | "gis_layer_empty":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
52 | "gis_layer_feature":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
53 | "gis_layer_geojson":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
54 | "gis_layer_georss":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
55 | "gis_layer_gpx":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
56 | "gis_layer_kml":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
57 | "gis_layer_openstreetmap":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
58 | "gis_layer_openweathermap":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
59 | "gis_layer_shapefile":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
60 | "gis_layer_theme":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
61 | "gis_layer_tms":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
62 | "gis_layer_wfs":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
63 | "gis_layer_wms":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
64 | },
65 | news={"gis_style":{"lookup_field": "layer_id",
66 | "tables": {"gis_layer_symbology": ["marker_id", "gps_marker"],
67 | # NB Test JSON type change too
68 | "gis_layer_config": ["style"],
69 | },
70 | "supers": {"gis_layer_entity": ["opacity",
71 | "cluster_distance",
72 | "cluster_threshold",
73 | "popup_format",
74 | ]
75 | }
76 | },
77 | }
78 | )
79 | EOF
80 | cd /home/$INSTANCE
81 | python web2py.py -S eden -R /tmp/prep.py
82 |
83 | # Update system
84 | cd /home/$INSTANCE/applications/eden
85 | git reset --hard HEAD
86 | git checkout master
87 | # Better if switching between branches
88 | #git pull
89 | git fetch --all
90 | git reset --hard origin/master
91 |
92 | # Migrate DB schema
93 | cd /home/$INSTANCE/applications/eden
94 | rm -rf compiled
95 | sed -i 's/settings.base.migrate = False/settings.base.migrate = True/g' models/000_config.py
96 | cd /home/$INSTANCE
97 | sudo -H -u web2py python web2py.py -S eden -M -R applications/eden/static/scripts/tools/noop.py
98 | cd /home/$INSTANCE/applications/eden
99 | sed -i 's/settings.base.migrate = True/settings.base.migrate = False/g' models/000_config.py
100 |
101 | # Compile
102 | #cd /home/$INSTANCE
103 | #python web2py.py -S eden -M -R applications/eden/static/scripts/tools/compile.py
104 |
105 | # Restore Data
106 | cat << EOF > "/tmp/post.py"
107 | m = local_import("s3migration")
108 | migrate = m.S3Migration()
109 | migrate.post(moves={"gis_layer_arcrest":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
110 | "gis_layer_coordinate":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
111 | "gis_layer_empty":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
112 | "gis_layer_feature":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
113 | "gis_layer_geojson":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
114 | "gis_layer_georss":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
115 | "gis_layer_gpx":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
116 | "gis_layer_kml":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
117 | "gis_layer_openstreetmap":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
118 | "gis_layer_openweathermap":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
119 | "gis_layer_shapefile":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
120 | "gis_layer_theme":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
121 | "gis_layer_tms":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
122 | "gis_layer_wfs":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
123 | "gis_layer_wms":["dir", "gis_layer_config", "layer_id"],
124 | },
125 | news={"gis_style":{"lookup_field": "layer_id",
126 | "tables": {"gis_layer_symbology": ["marker_id", "gps_marker"],
127 | # NB Test JSON type change too
128 | "gis_layer_config": ["style"],
129 | },
130 | "supers": {"gis_layer_entity": ["opacity",
131 | "cluster_distance",
132 | "cluster_threshold",
133 | "popup_format",
134 | ]
135 | }
136 | },
137 | }
138 | )
139 | EOF
140 | cd /home/$INSTANCE
141 | python web2py.py -S eden -R /tmp/post.py
142 |
143 | # Extra tasks, which want -M
144 | cat << EOF > "/tmp/post.py"
145 | # Add a default marker
146 | ctable = s3db.gis_config
147 | default_config = db(ctable.uuid == "SITE_DEFAULT").select(ctable.id, limitby=(0, 1)).first().id
148 | mtable = s3db.gis_marker
149 | marker_red = db(mtable.name == "marker_red").select(mtable.id, limitby=(0, 1)).first().id
150 | stable = s3db.gis_style
151 | stable.insert(config_id=default_config, marker_id = marker_red)
152 | db.commit()
153 | db(stable.aggregate == None).update(aggregate=False)
154 | db.commit()
155 | # Migrate Popup Label/Popup Fields to Popup Format
156 | ftable = s3db.gis_layer_feature
157 | rows = db(ftable.deleted == False).select(ftable.id, ftable.layer_id, ftable.attr_fields, ftable.popup_fields, ftable.popup_label)
158 | for row in rows:
159 | popup_fields = row.popup_fields
160 | popup_label = row.popup_label
161 | if popup_fields:
162 | attr_fields = row.attr_fields
163 | style_row = db(stable.layer_id == row.layer_id).select(stable.id, stable.popup_format, limitby=(0, 1)).first()
164 | if not style_row.popup_format:
165 | if popup_label:
166 | popup_format = "{%s} (T('%s'))" % (popup_fields[0], popup_label)
167 | else:
168 | popup_format = "{%s}" % popup_fields[0]
169 | for f in popup_fields[1:]:
170 | popup_format = "%s<br />{%s}" % (popup_format, f)
171 | # Ensure all the required attributes are present
172 | if attr_fields:
173 | attr_fields = list(set(attr_fields + popup_fields))
174 | else:
175 | attr_fields = popup_fields
176 | style_row.update_record(popup_format=popup_format)
177 | row.update_record(popup_fields=None, popup_label=None, attr_fields=attr_fields)
178 | # Remove gis_style records for WMS layers (they have an opacity so one gets created, but it shouldn't)
179 | wtable = s3db.gis_layer_wms
180 | rows = db(wtable.id > 0).select(wtable.layer_id)
181 | wms_layers = [r.layer_id for r in rows]
182 | db(stable.layer_id.belongs(wms_layers)).delete()
183 | # Update gis_config for an older change
184 | db(ctable.temp==None).update(temp=False)
185 | db.commit()
186 | EOF
187 | cd /home/$INSTANCE
188 | python web2py.py -S eden -M -R /tmp/post.py
189 |
190 | # Compile
191 | cd /home/$INSTANCE
192 | python web2py.py -S eden -M -R applications/eden/static/scripts/tools/compile.py
193 |
194 | # Restart instance
195 | /etc/init.d/uwsgi-$INSTANCE start