

17:13 BluePrint/Mobile/Portal edited by Fran Boon
XML library of mobile phone capabilities (diff)
16:34 BluePrint/Reporting edited by Fran Boon
Geraldo is a powerful-looking library which we could make use of (diff)


12:18 BluePrint/Messaging edited by Fran Boon
smtplib is required for sending HTML mails (diff)


13:14 BluePrint/Synchronisation edited by Hasanat Kazmi
13:13 BluePrint/Synchronisation edited by Hasanat Kazmi
13:00 BluePrint/Synchronisation edited by Hasanat Kazmi


17:08 BluePrint/Logistics edited by Ajay Kumar
16:29 BluePrint/Logistics created by Ajay Kumar
16:21 BluePrints edited by Ajay Kumar


14:37 ConfigurationGuidelines edited by Fran Boon
Enable caching (diff)
14:08 BluePrint/Messaging edited by Fran Boon
SMS Toolkits (diff)
13:53 BluePrintMessagingModuleJ2ME edited by Fran Boon
Toolkit options (diff)
13:45 BluePrints edited by Fran Boon
Link to J2ME client (diff)
12:02 InstallationGuidelinesApacheCGI edited by Fran Boon
12:01 InstallationGuidelinesApacheFastCGI created by Fran Boon
12:00 InstallationGuidelines edited by Fran Boon
Apache FastCGI (diff)


20:35 DeveloperGuidelines/Tips edited by Fran Boon
Custom Forms, PIL thumbnails (diff)


12:26 BluePrintGISImportExport edited by Fran Boon
OSS Tools survey (diff)
12:10 BluePrintGISImportExport edited by Fran Boon
Feature Metadata already includes an Image (diff)
12:07 BluePrintGISImportExport edited by Fran Boon
Geotagged Photos (diff)
09:11 DeveloperGuidelines/Tips edited by Fran Boon
TEXTAREA options (diff)


13:49 DeveloperGuidelines/Tips edited by Fran Boon
form.accepts AJAX submission (diff)
13:48 DeveloperGuidelines/Tips edited by Fran Boon
WP JOIN, GAE M2M (diff)


19:35 BluePrintGISImportExport edited by Fran Boon
SAX (diff)


10:52 BluePrint/Internationalisation edited by Fran Boon
Working across Timezones (diff)


08:52 BluePrint/Messaging edited by Fran Boon
Simple app for sending mails from a form (using smtplib) (diff)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.