[[Image(http://i1315.photobucket.com/albums/t582/morganmccarroll/App_zps5a5eb865.png)]] USER END * This app is to be downloaded on an electronic device * One is to register * Insert one’s name * Insert one’s organizational ID * Timeframe is the amount of time since one last checked in * Once all information has been inserted in this screen one selects submit in order to toggle to the next screen INFORMATION SEARCHING END * One types in the name of the person he is searching * Choices pop up for one to identify the person one is searching for [[Image(http://i1315.photobucket.com/albums/t582/morganmccarroll/App2_zpsdbdcdc04.png)]] USER END * Screen # 2 pops up the results * It identifies the user * It identifies the exact location * It updates the date * It updates the time INFORMATION SEARCHING END * Searcher chooses person one is looking for * Last location appears * Most recent date appears * Most recent time appears [[Image(http://i1315.photobucket.com/albums/t582/morganmccarroll/App3_zps440ecba5.png)]] USER END * Map reads and identifies location INFORMATION SEARCHING END * Map pin points most recent location