Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of AutoComplete

03/01/10 07:24:09 (15 years ago)
Serge Sunneach



  • AutoComplete

    v1 v1  
     3== PROPOSAL ==
     5[ This branch] has the proven working minimized-coding approach.
     6It has an additional 'module' [ views/auto_input.js] which contains all the repeating steps, and the actual views call it.
     8=== Step 1. The Controller ===
     10Use [wiki:IS_ONE_OF_EMPTY IS_ONE_OF_EMPTY] to prevent downloading the whole lookup table.
     12=== Step 2. The View ===
     14'''Auto_completed edit control'''
     15 This [ view] has the auto-completion
     16 enabled __edit control__ which gets its {id, name} pairs from the `/or/organisation`:
     17 {{{
     18 {{entity_id = "or_office_organisation_id"}}
     19 {{urlpath_c = "or"}}
     20 {{urlpath_f = "organisation"}}
     21 {{urlvar_field = "name"}}
     22 {{include 'auto_input.js'}}
     23 }}}
     24'''Auto_completed Person edit control'''
     25 The ''person'' needs special treatment, that is why the flag is set: `is_person=True`:
     26 {{{
     27 {{entity_id = "or_contact_person_id"}}
     28 {{is_person = True}}
     29 {{include 'auto_input.js'}}
     30 }}}
     31'''Auto_completed edit control with post-processing'''
     32 If you need to update your view after the auto-completed field is changed, use the post_process "callback".
     33 Put into that any JS statement which works. For example, in the [[ views/or/contact_create.html]] it is used to update the office list given the organisation via the `load_offices` call:
     34 {{{
     35 {{entity_id = "or_contact_organisation_id"}}
     36 {{urlpath_c = "or"}}
     37 {{urlpath_f = "organisation"}}
     38 {{urlvar_field = "name"}}
     39 {{post_process = "load_offices(false);"}}
     40 {{include 'auto_input.js'}}
     41 }}}
     42'''Dummy selector'''
     43 The offices list is depending on organisation. The flag `dummy_select` makes it the empty dropdown with the single item `default_value`, waiting to be populated by load_offices. Other parameters are not used.
     44 {{{
     45  {{entity_id = "or_contact_office_id"}}
     46  {{dummy_select = True}}
     47  {{default_value = T('Select an Organisation to see a list of offices')}}
     48  {{include 'auto_input.js'}}
     49 }}}
     50 The `default_value` works for the edit control as well.
     52=== Appendix: Pop-ups ===
     54The [ TB_Refresh] calls the `set_parent_id` and `clean_up` if they exist in a view.
     57This [ set_parent_id] uses it to pass the 'organisation_id' to the new office creation form.
     60And the `clean-up` in that same view is used to populate the offices dropdown after the new organisation or new office record get created.