= !BluePrint: Who's Doing What Where (3W) = [[TOC]] == Introduction == The need for a good 3W solution is nothing new - our original [wiki:BluePrint3W 3W blue print] is 5 years old! However despite numerous attempts there is still a gap in the international humanitarian community for a tool which can manage, analyze, visualize and map 3W information. Sahana has most of the required functionality, and with some customization would be able to deliver this solution. This the Sahana Community should have this template to deploy The Sahana Community has contacts within OCHA who would be interested in reviewing and potentially helping with the pilot (ie. feeding us data during a disaster and looking at what it produces to test how it performs), and if we do a good job may even adopt it! == Stakeholders == === Primary === * UN OCHA * Traditional Humanitarian Actors === Secondary === * National Governments * !National/Local Disaster Management Coalitions == User Stories == TBC == Requirements == * Ability to import data from a range of different sources, eg (These would need to be reviewed): * [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-NG6ihli0CuWHRJbDhXenQ4WDQ&authuser=0 Working File - OCHA 3W Data - Typhoon Yolanda - 30-Nov-2013 - Pcoded.xslx] * https://data.hdx.rwlabs.org/dataset/3w-dataset-on-the-organizations-involved-in-the-response-to-the-ebola-crisis * http://3w.unocha.org/WhoWhatWhere/ * http://demo.hxlstandard.org/data/unhcr-3w * ... (There's lots more historic data- find them!) * Ability to import from Google Spreadsheets (already implemented?) * Reference & links to information sources * Ability to configure (and good documentation on how to Sahana to support the range of different 3W data models * Ability to produce a range of information products, eg: * [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-NG6ihli0CuQUphSnVKa2pZNzg&authuser=0 3W Poster.pdf] * [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-NG6ihli0CudWhkRzZPM2lGZ2s&authuser=0 Overview_3W_29 Dec.pdf] * http://simonbjohnson.github.io/Ebola_Dashboard/ * Linked Charts & Maps * ... (There's lots more - find them!) * Support HXL: * http://docs.hdx.rwlabs.org/standards/ * http://docs.hdx.rwlabs.org/the-path-of-operational-data-where-hxl-can-make-a-difference/ * Ability to integrate demographic / baseline data * Dedicated 3W template (3W functionality should be easily available to other templates too) == Design == TBD == Current Implementation == * The Project Module should be used to support the 3W solution: * DeveloperGuidelines/ProjectManagement * UserGuidelines/Project * There are a number of existing Sahana templates that already have 3W Functionality which could be extended: * [wiki:Deployments/DRRProjectPortal DRRPP] * Syria == Planned Implementation == ... == Future Extensions == ... == Outstanding Questions == ? == References == * [https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/toolbox/files/1.%20Guidance%20Document%20-%203W%20Data%20Cleaning%20Product%20Creation%20Process%20Documentation.pdf OCHA 3W Data Cleaning & Product Creation Process] * A lot of research has gone into 3W already ---- BluePrint