= BluePrint: Augmented Reality = [[TOC]] == Introduction == Develop a software that uses a smartphone or tablet’s camera to display incident reports of disasters the location and the distance the use is from the disaster using information overlay. May eventually be developed into use with google glass. == Stakeholders == Tip: Engage these stakeholders in the development of your !BluePrint. == User Stories == <* Who the user is> <* What they want the solution to do for them?> <* Why they want it to do that? (goal)> wants the solution to so that .> == Requirements == The product must have a local database with pre-stored incident reports, camera preview with information overlay, multiple updating strategies for different connections such as WiFi and mobile data, a radar view which shows points of interest are the current location along with distance from location and if assistance is in route, simple instructions, and the ability for the use to report new incidents. == Design == === Workflows === === Site Map === === Wireframes === === Technologies === == Current Implementation == <*a brief description of the implementation (date/time, name, design options chosen)> <*a link to the code> <*list of deployments of the implementation> <*links to case studies> <*short analysis of achievements/problems> == Planned Implementation == == Future Extensions == == Outstanding Questions == == References ==