| 92 | * Structure of the the email should give emphasis on the description |
| 93 | {{{ |
| 94 | <web><br><br> |
| 95 | <headline><br><br> |
| 96 | <type> warning <event> message <status> in effect for <areaDesc> |
| 97 | This <severity> <event> is <urgency> and is <certainty><br><br> |
| 98 | Alert Description: <description> |
| 99 | <br><br> |
| 100 | Message <identifier>: <event> (Unknown) issued by the <senderName> sent at <sent> from <source> |
| 101 | <br><br> |
| 102 | Expected response: <response> |
| 103 | <br><br> |
| 104 | Instructions: <instruction> |
| 105 | <br><br> |
| 106 | For more details visit: <web> |
| 107 | }}} |