Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of BluePrint/CAPMobileApp

01/27/16 15:36:30 (9 years ago)
Nuwan Waidyanatha



  • BluePrint/CAPMobileApp

    v22 v23  
    33331. '''Scenario''' - heavy rains have caused a bridge, over a river, and surrounding area to be inundated with flood waters. The bridge accommodates a rail road track and motor vehicle lanes.
    34      a. '''Intent''' - the local police must issue an alert to inform the transportation authorities (rail road and motor vehicle) and the public in the area of the of the situation. The Police Superintendent in the area will use his mobile phone to issue an alert.
     34     a. '''Intent''' - the local police must issue an alert to inform the transportation authorities (rail road and motor vehicle) and other relevant first-responders in the area of the of the situation. The Police Superintendent in the area will use his mobile phone to issue an alert.
    3535     a. '''Actions''' - to be carried out by the Alert Editor (Issuer)
    3636         i. Access the designated SAMBRO server, using the MobileSAMBRO app to login and then begin creating a new alert.
    3737         i. Select the relevant flood CAP template and add/edit information including drawing a polygon on the map indicating the alert area.
    3838         i. Alert is issued by clicking the submit button. At this point the alert message is saved to the SAMBRO server
    39      a. The designated person at the National Disaster Management Organization will receive an SMS and Email requesting to authorize the message. The person will login to the SAMBRO server, using their mobile phone, and approve (or disapprove) the alert message. If approved, the SAMRBO server will issue alerts to all alert subscribers (including first responders) in the area through SMS and Email. The SAMBRO server will determine the cell towers that are in the demarcated alert area polygon to broadcast the alert through a cell broadcast message to the mobile phones covered by those cell towers.
     39         i. Immediately after saving the alert message, the designated person required to Authorize the message is sent a SMS and Email requesting to approve/disapprove the alert
     40     a. '''Actions''' -  to be carried out by the Alert Authorizer (Approver)
     41         i. The designated person, required to authorize the message at the District Emergency Operation Centre (DEOC), will receive an SMS and Email requesting to authorize the message.
     42         i. The alert Authorizer will login to the SAMBRO server, using their mobile phone, and approve (or disapprove) the alert message.
     43         i. If approved, the SAMRBO server will issue alerts to all alert subscribers registered as first responders through SMS and Email.
     44     a. '''Intent''' - the DEOC decides to extend the alert to the public. The DEOC authorized Alert Editor (Issuer), happens to be at home (away from the desktop terminal), will need to use their mobile phone to relay the alert message to the public.
     45     a.. '''Actions''' - to be carried our by the off-site NEOC Alert Editor
     46         i. The NEOC Alert Editor will first login to the SAMBRO server using the MobileSAMBRO app.
     47         i. They will search and locate the message issued by the Police Superintendent.
     48         i. When the NEOC Alert Editor clicks the Relay button the message is stored on the MobileSAMBRO app
     49         i. The message message scope is first changed to Public and then rest of the message is edited, including defining a larger alerting area by drawing a ploygon on a map.
     50         i. the 
     51The SAMBRO server will determine the cell towers that are in the demarcated alert area polygon to broadcast the alert through a cell broadcast message to the mobile phones covered by those cell towers.
    41531. '''Scenario''' -