Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of BluePrint/GIS/GPSSharing

12/08/10 15:12:29 (14 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • BluePrint/GIS/GPSSharing

    v12 v13  
    5858Can we develop a Flash(?) interface to actually manage the transfer to/from the unit of the GPX &/or basemap?
     60==== Ideas from Depiction ====
     61[ Depiction] has some useful functionality with some nice UI ideas...there are videos which can be downloaded to review.
     62 * Simple UI
     63  * add new Features to the map via the mouse inc Single/Multiple options & QuickAdd toolbar for common resources
     64 * Modelling
     65  * elevation data within the database
     66   * can we use the same datamodel as for Mapnik's contours?
     67   * add an easy downloader like srtm2osm
     68  * models could come from GRASS or R, maybe via WPS?
     69   * Plumes: Wind speed, direction, volume
     70   * Flood
     71   * Liquid flow
     72   * Antennas (do we need this within Sahana?)
     73 * Routing
     74  * road structure within the database
     75   * imports from OpenStreetMap
     76   * imports from Shapefiles
     77   * pgRouting for back-end calculations?
     78   * build on Measure tool (if no better ones available) for front-end UI?
     79 * GeoReferencing
     80  * integrate one of the existing tools: [wiki:BluePrintGISRectifier]
     81 * Shapefiles support
     82  * integrate OGR2OGR (usable even with basic sqlite versions)
     83  * GeoServer via REST? (-> PostGIS where available)
     84 * Permatext (useful for printing, especially)
     85 * Draggable property (default based on resource type?)
     86 * Interactions
     87  * Zones of Influence
     88   * Barriers are polygons
     89    * Default to octagon
     90    * Can create custom polygons by dragging/adding/removing polygons (UI for this already in OpenLayers)
     91   * Calculated (e.g. Plumes/security cameras)
    6092=== Local OSM Server ===
    6193 * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesGISDataLinux#OpenStreetMap]