== Image Layers == 2 approaches: 1. Use a [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesGISData WMS Server] * Build a .map file for [http://mapserver.org MapServer] using [http://mapserver.org/mapscript Python MapScript] * Control [http://geoserver.org GeoServer] via REST Ideally this would be integrated so that the user would see this as n Image layer even if the backend did it via WMS. 2. Use !OpenLayers.Layer.Image * http://dev.openlayers.org/releases/OpenLayers-2.7/doc/apidocs/files/OpenLayers/Layer/Image-js.html Can optionally use [http://www.klokan.cz/projects/gdal2tiles/ gdal2tiles] to split a large image into Tiles for beter performance. We can include access to [http://www.unearthedoutdoors.net/global_data/true_marble/download True Marble] as a useful base/sample.[[BR]] (!TrueMarble.32km.1350x675.tif actually included in the tree, with a script to download higher resolutions) If an old map then may wish to include a [wiki:BluePrintGISRectifier Rectifer] ---- [wiki:BluePrintGeographicInformationSystems GIS BluePrints]