= Radio Coverage = [[TOC]] We want to display Radio coverage for: * FM Transmitters (to show service delivery for Beneficiary Communications) * VHF Repeaters (to show where staff can have security telecomms) * GSM Mobile reception - inc separate ones for 2G/3G == Off-system == Can use [http://www.cplus.org/rmw/english1.html Radio Mobile] to do this off-system & then simply display the results on the Map. Radio Mobile can export KML: * http://radiomobile.pe1mew.nl/?How_to:Work_with_Google_Earth:Import_coverage... To use this as-is we'd need to merge this patch to !OpenLayers: * https://github.com/openlayers/openlayers/pull/759 Alternatively we could convert the PNG to geoTIFF & serve as WMS from !GeoServer: {{{ gdal_translate -of Gtiff -a_ullr LEFT_LON UPPER_LAT RIGHT_LON LOWER_LAT -a_srs EPSG_PROJ INPUT_PNG_FILE OUTPUT_GTIFF_FILE }}} Alternatively we could Vectorise & import the Polygon(s) directly into Sahana: * ''tbc'' == In-system == Ideally we'd like to be able to Radio Mobile uses the Longley-Rice Irregular Terrain Model: * http://www.cplus.org/rmw/data.html * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longley%E2%80%93Rice_model The most promising thing to base off is this as it uses OGR which has Python bindings: * https://github.com/QDeltaSoft/qradiopredict Even with the ability to ignore UI, still a lot of work to try & work out what's being done in C++ & then converting to Python...