Version 25 (modified by 15 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Internationalisation Blueprint
This page looks at ways we can extend the Internationalisation options within Sahana Eden.
Production Options are defined within DeveloperGuidelinesInternationalisation
Right-to-Left UI
This should be possible with a new CSS file, as has been done for SahanaPHP:
Other options
- Babel - good toolkit to combine with GNU/gettext
- LaunchPad Translations - access to Ubuntu community
- GoogleTranslate can be used to help translators get started, but needs humans to make cultural and linguistic refinements
- Web2Py plugin for this:
- Google ta3reeb - Arabic 'keyboard' using Latin characters
- MS Localisation Design Pattern:
- If needing to be able to handle alternate word order with dynamic strings then wrap in XML():
- Databases store Unicode characters as 2+ bytes, so string, length=20 may limit to just 10 characters:
- UTF-8 encoding in Controllers:
- Date fields:
- Working across Timezones:
- Paragraph Translations:
- Currency Formatting:
Attachments (1)
- flow.png (20.3 KB ) - added by 12 years ago.
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