Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of BluePrint/Mobile/EdenMobileFramework

02/15/15 16:08:03 (10 years ago)
Tom Baker



  • BluePrint/Mobile/EdenMobileFramework

    v4 v5  
    22A framework for creating mobile applications that work with Sahana Eden deployments is being designed and implemented.  The source code can be found here: The framework is designed to implement many of the common use cases for Eden. 
    4 The initial implementation will support a basic app with a few different pages.  The target user of the first app that is implemented with the framework will be a citizen that is in an area affected by a disaster.  The first forms that are implemented will be chosen to support that user type.  Implementation of more functionality will proceed incrementally.  The current plan is to proceed in three phases of implementation.  As phases are completed more planned phases will be made.  With additional help some of the phases can be worked on in parallel.
     4The initial implementation will support a basic app with a few different pages.  The target user of the first app that is implemented with the framework will be an aid worker that is working in a facility that is in an area affected by a disaster.  The first forms that are implemented will be chosen to support that user type.  Implementation of more functionality will proceed incrementally.  The current plan is to proceed in three phases of implementation.  As phases are completed more planned phases will be made.  With additional help some of the phases can be worked on in parallel.
    66The general requirements are as follows:
    1111    3. Be able to work offline, and update forms and content when online
    1212    4. The initial target device is Android.
    13         a. This includes registration in the respective app stores.
     13        a. This includes registration on Google Play.
    1414    5. Location based on GPS
    15     6. The initial forms that will be implemented areHospitals, Shelters, and Events / Incidents.
    16     7. Uploading mobile photos that are linked to events, and incidents.
    17     8. Modular design
     15    6. The initial forms that will be implemented are Hospitals, and Shelters.
     16    7. Modular design so that additional features can be easily implemented.
    1918Phase II - Mapping