= Blueprint for Reporting/Charting = We need to be able to generate Pretty & Informative Reports from the database S2 version: * http://wiki.sahana.lk/doku.php?id=dev:reportinglib Geraldo is a powerful-looking library which we could make use of: * http://geraldo.sourceforge.net/ T2 includes a basic barchart function: {{{ def barchart(data,width=400,height=15,scale=None, label_width=50,values_width=50): if not scale: scale=max([m for n,c,m in data]) if not scale: return None return TABLE(_class='barchart', *[TR(TD(n,_width=label_width,_style="text-align: right"), TABLE(TR(TD(_width=int(m*width/scale),_height=height, _style='background-color:'+c))),TD(m,_width=values_width), _style="vertical-alignment: middle") for n,c,m in data]) }}} Could be something to use Flash? * PyAMF: http://pyamf.org * Web2Py integration: http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/AlterEgo/default/show/22 * !BirdEye: http://code.google.com/p/birdeye/ * !FusionCharts Free: http://www.fusioncharts.com/Free/ * Open Flash Chart: http://teethgrinder.co.uk/open-flash-chart-2/ * from Python: http://code.google.com/p/open-flash-chart-python/ ---- BluePrints