Changes between Version 215 and Version 216 of BluePrint/SAFIRE

09/28/21 14:40:19 (3 years ago)
Fran Boon

Fix Image macros


  • BluePrint/SAFIRE

    v215 v216  
    55== Introduction ==
    7 [[Image(, align="left")]] Sahana First Response (SAFIRE) is designed to support a Simple All-Hazard '''Emergency Operation Center''' (EOC); especially during the '''72 hour golden window'''. The An EOC could be as simple as a single terminal with a single user (e.g. a call center) recording incident reports and dispatching an emergency service. The emergency service might be the maintenance engineering crew of a telecommunications service provider deployed to fix a backup power generator.
     7[[Image(Deployments/SAMBRO:broker.JPG, align="left")]] Sahana First Response (SAFIRE) is designed to support a Simple All-Hazard '''Emergency Operation Center''' (EOC); especially during the '''72 hour golden window'''. The An EOC could be as simple as a single terminal with a single user (e.g. a call center) recording incident reports and dispatching an emergency service. The emergency service might be the maintenance engineering crew of a telecommunications service provider deployed to fix a backup power generator.
    99A, larger, Police EOC might utilize SAFIRE for managing field-observation (burglary, accident, dispute) and casualty-illness reports (accident, murder). The Police '''response and resources allocated''' to an incident varies upon the scenario. The other extreme is managing a crisis such as an earthquake with many '''casualties, damages, and losses'''. All these, whether big or small, require managing a series of response actions (or inactions) and sharing information with a Multi-Agency Coordination System (MACS).
    1717SAFIRE is a Sahana Eden template combining various modules to support the work flows of a simple EOC from incident report inception through a cycle until the situation is contained. Important SAFIRE features:
    18 1. [ Asset], [ Fleet], and [ Staff]/[ Volunteer] management are essential for the SAFIRE database to realize the current state of the resources
    19 1. [ Incident reporting], whether it be the public or a first-responder using mobile app, social media, email, SMS, or connecting to a call center it would be captured as information pertaining to an event
    20 1. [ Crisis mapping] contributes to the common operating picture and categorical representation of the reports with situation visualization and decision management
     181. [wiki:BluePrint/Assets Asset], [wiki:BluePrint/Vehicle Fleet], and [wiki:BluePrintPersonRegistry Staff]/[wiki:BluePrintVolunteer Volunteer] management are essential for the SAFIRE database to realize the current state of the resources
     191. [wiki:BluePrintIncidentReporting Incident reporting], whether it be the public or a first-responder using mobile app, social media, email, SMS, or connecting to a call center it would be captured as information pertaining to an event
     201. [wiki:BluePrint/CrisisMap Crisis mapping] contributes to the common operating picture and categorical representation of the reports with situation visualization and decision management
    21211. Able to input and output reports in various formats (JSON, XML, PDF, XSL, SQL, GIS-Raster/Vector) and emergency data exchange standards ([ EDXL], [ HXL])
    22221. Use a combination of voice and data input and output streams for collecting and disseminating situational reports and resource messaging
    118118==== Incident Command System (ICS) ====
    119 We aim to build an ICS template which would extend the core SAFIRE template to provide [ ICS compliance].
     119We aim to build an ICS template which would extend the core SAFIRE template to provide [wiki:Domain/EmergencyManagement/IncidentManagementSystems/IncidentCommandSystem%28UnitedStates%29 ICS compliance].
    120120[[BR]](A deployment-specific template can still exist on top of that if-required)
    135135=== Use Case Diagram ===
    136136The use cases focus is on multiple hazards.
    137 [[Image(, width=1050)]]
     137[[Image(use_case_ICS.4.png, width=1050)]]
    139139||=SAFIRE SIMPLE EOC =||=collection of Sahana software components that provide functionality for incident reporting, dispatch, resource management, resource messaging, situational-reporting, and providing a common operating picture =||
    151151=== Data Model ===
    152152Very abstract and basic ER diagram to illustrate the entity relationship between Events, Incidents, and Operation Plans (i.e. tasks and resources)
    153 [[Image(]]
    154154=== Workflows ===
    155 [[Image(, width=650)]]
     155[[Image(process_flow_incident_management.3.png, width=650)]]
    157157=== Site Map ===
    190190<List of goals for your implementations which you (include your name/github repo/IRC handle) are currently working on>[[br]]
    191191=== Seychelles Disaster Risk Management ===
    192 [[Image(, width=300px, align='right')]]
     192[[Image(seychells.png, width=300px, align='right')]]
    194194The Seychelles National Disaster Risk Management (NDRM) is keen on implementing Sahana Eden. Broadly-speaking they want an Operations Center, so SAFIRE. They have previously used [ VEOCI] But very expensive; hence, was discontinued despite liking it. NDRM minimally need Call Logging and would also like some 'databases' - currently XLS sheets which she will send me copies of.
    277277=== Incident Command and Control ===
    278 1. [ Incident Command system] curriculum offered by FEMA
     2781. [wiki:Domain/EmergencyManagement/IncidentManagementSystems/IncidentCommandSystem%28UnitedStates%29 Incident Command system] curriculum offered by FEMA
    2792791. [# NIEMS] - National Integated Emergency Management System
    2802801. [ Why ICS training sucks]
    3143141. ​The incident location (area) can be demarcated into sectors to assign teams to each sector as well as monitor the progress. The question is whether we give a map tool to define the sectors and mark them off one by one, or just use text without the map to note as a remark? Map would be useful only a mobile device?
    3153151. Split Incidents to allow for assigning a second incident commander. Process should copy the associated incident reports to too and then later delete the irrelevant ones.
    316 1. Reverse geocoding, when the location is set on the map the process fills in the Lx values.
     3161. Reverse geocoding, when the location is set on the map the process fills in the Location hierarchy.