Changes between Version 45 and Version 46 of BluePrint/SAFIRE

03/30/16 02:26:34 (9 years ago)
Nuwan Waidyanatha



  • BluePrint/SAFIRE

    v45 v46  
    7070<Identify different types of requirements:>
    7171=== Functional ===
     73Features in these kind of terms - NOTE WE HAVE ALL of these features already - they 'just' need bringing together into a coherent template which has been tested and documented.
    7275* [wiki:BluePrint/CrisisMap Crisis Mapping] for receiving and visualizing incident reports
    74 I would phrase the features in these kind of terms (note we have *all*
    75 of these features already - they 'just' need bringing together into a
    76 coherent template which has been tested and documented)
    78 * Staff/Volunteer Management
    79 - Credentials can be tracked (Skills, Training & Experience) to remind
    80 people when they need to attend refresher trainings and see where
    81 there are gaps in cover that need addressing
    83 * Asset Management
    84 - Assets can be tracked through purchase, deployment, loans and repairs.
    86 * Fleet Management
    87 - Vehicles can have their fuel usage monitored and use GPS Tracking to
    88 report their current positions
    90 * Incident Reporting
    91 - Incidents can be logged by call centre staff or can be reported from
    92 the field by both trusted agents & the general public (including
    93 through Twitter/SMS/Email)
    95 * Dispatch
    96 - Teams of people & their equipment (vehicles/radios/etc) can be
    97 assigned to an incident according to their Skills & Availability
    98 (Rostering)
     76* Staff/Volunteer Management - Credentials of personnel can be tracked (Skills, Training & Experience) to:
     77     * remind people when they need to attend refresher training and see where there are gaps in cover that need addressing
     78     * categorization allows for automatic matching to a resource requirementt
     79* Asset Management - Assets can be tracked through purchase, deployment, loans and repairs.
     80* Fleet Management - Vehicles can have their:
     81    * fuel usage monitored and
     82    * use GPS Tracking to report their current positions
     83* Incident Reporting - Incidents can be:
     84     * logged by call centre staff
     85     * reported from the field by both trusted agents
     86     * reported by the general public (including through Twitter/SMS/Email)
     87* Dispatch - Teams of people & their equipment (vehicles/radios/etc) can be assigned to an incident according to their Skills & Availability
    10089* Incident Management
    101 - SOP checklists can be worked through based on scenario templates
    102 - The Incident Manager can file status updates & request additional
    103 resources to be dispatched
     90     * SOP checklists can be worked through based on scenario templates
     91     * The Incident Manager can file status updates & request additional resources to be dispatched
     92     * Crisis map is updated with eachh response action to provide a near real-time common operating picture
    10593* Share Information amongst heterogeneous systems
    106 - FYI &/or Action requests can be shared with all authorised
    107 stakeholders, whether or not they use Sahana (as long as they support
    108 open standards such as EDXL or we develop a custom adapter)
     94     * Action requests can be shared with all authorized
     95     * stakeholders, whether or not they use Sahana (as long as they support open standards such as EDXL)
     96     * or we would develop a custom adapter
    11098=== Non-functional ===