Changes between Version 72 and Version 73 of BluePrint/SAFIRE

03/30/16 03:39:26 (9 years ago)
Nuwan Waidyanatha



  • BluePrint/SAFIRE

    v72 v73  
    66=== Briefly ===
    7 [[Image(, align="left")]] Sahana First Response (SAFIRE) is designed to support a Simple '''All-Hazard''' Emergency Operation Center (EOC). An EOC could be as simple as a single terminal with a single user (e.g. a Dispatch Station) recording incident reports and dispatching an emergency service. The emergency service might be the maintenance engineering crew of a telecommunications service provider deployed to fix a backup power generator. A Police EOC would utilize for managing field-observation (burglary, accident, dispute) and casualty-illness reports (accident, murder). The Police response and resources allocated to an incident varies upon the scenario. The other extreme is managing a crisis such as an earthquake with many casualties, damages, and losses. All these, whether big or small, require managing a series of activities and sharing information across multiple Agencies with their Incident Command and Control Systems (ICCSs).  [wiki:BluePrint/SAFIRE#UserStories The problem that SAIFRE is solving is providing a simple crisis and emergency response management system.]
     7[[Image(, align="left")]] Sahana First Response (SAFIRE) is designed to support a Simple '''All-Hazard''' Emergency Operation Center ('''EOC'''). An EOC could be as simple as a single terminal with a single user (e.g. a Dispatch Station) recording incident reports and dispatching an emergency service. The emergency service might be the maintenance engineering crew of a telecommunications service provider deployed to fix a backup power generator. A Police EOC would utilize for managing field-observation (burglary, accident, dispute) and casualty-illness reports (accident, murder). The Police response and resources allocated to an incident varies upon the scenario. The other extreme is managing a crisis such as an earthquake with many casualties, damages, and losses. All these, whether big or small, require managing a series of activities and sharing information across multiple Agencies with their Incident Command and Control Systems (ICCSs).  [wiki:BluePrint/SAFIRE#UserStories The problem that SAIFRE is solving is providing a simple crisis and emergency response management system.]
    99=== Problem ===