Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of BluePrint/SecurityManagement

11/25/13 20:32:47 (11 years ago)



  • BluePrint/SecurityManagement

    v23 v24  
     74== Introduction ==
     76= !BluePrint: <Name of the solution> =
     79== Introduction ==
     80<Briefly describe the solution?>
     81<What problem is this solution solving?>
     82<How will this solution add value to Sahana?>
     83<Name any similar existing solutions>
     85== Stakeholders ==
     86<Who will be the users of the solution?>
     87<Who else will be affected by this solution? eg. Developers, Users of Existing Functionality that may be changed?>
     88<How will stakeholders be affected?>
     89Tip: Engage these stakeholders in the development of your !BluePrint.
     91== User Stories ==
     93<A good User Story should answer the following questions:>
     94<* Who the user is>
     95<* What they want the solution to do for them?>
     96<* Why they want it to do that? (goal)>
     97<eg. A <type of user> wants the solution to <do something for them> so that <can achieve a goal>.>
     99== Requirements ==
     100<Group requirements in subsections, e.g.,, etc.>
     101< requirements>
     102<Identify different types of requirements:>
     103=== Functional ===
     104=== Non-functional ===
     106=== Interoperability ===
     107=== Standards ===
     108=== System Constraints ===
     110== Design ==
     111<Where relevant include alternative design options>
     112=== Data Model ===
     113(e.g. EER or class diagrams)
     114=== Workflows ===
     115<Diagrams or Pseudocode>
     116=== Site Map ===
     117<for User Interface solutions>
     118=== Wireframes ===
     119<for User Interface solutions>
     120=== Technologies ===
     122== Current Implementation ==
     123<Leave open for a list of existing implementation of this solution in Sahana Eden:>
     124<*a brief description of the implementation (date/time, name, design options chosen)>
     125<*a link to the code>
     126<*list of deployments of the implementation>
     127<*links to case studies>
     128<*short analysis of achievements/problems>
     130== Planned Implementation ==
     131<List of goals for your implementations which you (include your name/github repo/IRC handle) are currently working on>
     133== Future Extensions ==
     134<List of features which could be included, but are outside of the scope of this extension>
     136== Outstanding Questions ==
     137<Questions about the features or design that haven't been (and need to be) answered>
     139== References ==
     140<Links to external resources>