= Security Management Module = [[TOC]] == Introduction == "In the last decade, lethal attacks against humanitarian personnel have tripled, reaching over 100 deaths per year." ''Delivering aid in risky environments: what works?'' UN OCHA 12 April 2011 At present there does not appear to be any purpose designed software that is easy to use and deploy for the security tracking of volunteers/staff members operating in hostile environments. Building on the Volunteer Module the Security Management Module would enable the humanitarian community "to stay and deliver." = !BluePrint: = [[TOC]] == Introduction == == Stakeholders == == User Stories == <* Who the user is> <* What they want the solution to do for them?> <* Why they want it to do that? (goal)> wants the solution to so that .> == Requirements == === Functional === === Non-functional === http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-functional_requirements === Interoperability === === Standards === === System Constraints === == Design == === Data Model === (e.g. EER or class diagrams) === Workflows === === Site Map === === Wireframes === === Technologies === == Current Implementation == <*a brief description of the implementation (date/time, name, design options chosen)> <*a link to the code> <*list of deployments of the implementation> <*links to case studies> <*short analysis of achievements/problems> == Planned Implementation == == Future Extensions == == Outstanding Questions == == References == -----