= !BluePrint: Sahana Relief and Rehabilitation (ShaRe) Hub = [[TOC]] [wiki:UserGuidelines/ShaRe#RequesterforReliefRehabilitation User Guidelines] == Introduction == The solution is a [https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/about-clusters/who-does-what Humanitarian Country Team] (HCT) '''relief and rehabilitation activities coordination platform'''. It would extends to the wider humanitarian community, government and the public. The main uses include: * Managing relief * requests - authorized users to report a request * suppliers (donors) - - commit supplies - dispatch (goods/services), - monitor the delivery & return of supplied (logistics) * Reporting * publish situational-reports and management summary reports * display of relief activities in list form, on a geographical map === Real Need === The real need for a solution was recognized during the onset of the 2017 Southwest Monsoon instigated flood and landslide events in Sri Lanka. The [https://lk.one.un.org/un-in-sri-lanka/un-resident-coordinators-office/ UN Resident Coordinators Office] (RCO) of Sri Lanka, supported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) [http://www.unocha.org/roap Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific] (ROAP), developed a simple 3W (“Who does What Where”) template. * 3W was: * simple and intended to capture the responding agencies activities and responding locations * reflected on a map of Sri Lanka as a visual aid. * eventually adapted into a 4W (“Who does What Where, and When”) * 4W was: * an enhancement to capture other details such as donors, responsible agencies and implementing partners. * exceeding the capacity of the RCO to conduct mapping of the 4W (i.e. only the raw data was released) * reliant on the manual regular distribution of the template, followed by manual “cleaning” of the data. The HCT in the Lessons Learned Action Plan of 2017, determined that the Sahana EDEN platform should be explored as an option to improve these methods. The ShaRe Hub would be developed as an Eden template that can be deployed to server other HCT and UN RCO teams in other countries. === Value to the Humanitarian Community === 1. Improve the current system of information sharing in disaster response among responding agencies 1. Act as an information sharing platform for the public and media on the humanitarian community’s response activities 1. Potential resource mobilization tool for joint agency projects or emergency relief activities === Similar solutions === ||=Solution=||=Description=||=Responsible actors=|| ||[http://riskinfo.lk/ riskinfo.lk] ||“A public platform for GIS data to support development in Sri Lanka” including OpenStreetMap data etc. Launched 21 December 2017 ||Disaster Management Centre (DMC) supported by the World Bank through the Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction (GFDRR) || ||[http://www.dmc.gov.lk/index_english.htm dmc.gov.lk] ||Static, text-based website which hosts various statistics and information databases. Difficult to navigate. ||Disaster Management Centre (DMC) || ||[http://www.ndrsc.gov.lk/web/ ndrc.gov.lk] ||Similarly, organisational site like DMC. [[br]]Website updated in late 2017 to improve navigation and include “Contingency Planning” features (lists of standardised kits, data for district disaster response plans, and a relief registration function). However, while a member of the public can log a relief request on the website, there is no platform on which to view the progress of these requests or any other form on interaction with the NDRSC or other actors.||National Disaster Relief Services Centre (NDRSC) || ||[http://www.desinventar.net/ desinventar] ||A Hazard and risk-profile site with country-specific information ||International platform hosted by UNISDR, supported by others including UNDP || ||[https://insight.wfp.org/prism-using-data-to-save-lives-in-cambodia-9607ebde5e21 PRISM] ||Platform for Real-time Information and Situation Monitoring (PRISM) uses satellite imagery to capture impacts of a hazard on a community (e.g. Sri Lanka drought, floods)[[br]](a) Baseline Data Layer — provides basic information from official statistics such as population data and socio-economic indicators;[[br]](b) Climate Layer — compiles satellite data showing meteorological drought (rainfall anomaly) and agriculture drought (Standardised Precipitation Index and Vegetation Health Index); and[[br]](c) Impact Layer — delivers insights derived from the combination of baseline and climate layers such as area of crops affected and number of persons at risk of food insecurity. ||World Food Program (WFP), Ministry of Disaster Management || == Stakeholders == 1. Super-Users: a. Resident Coordinators Office, Sector Leads and Co-Leads a. HCT members (e.g. UN-RCO, Oxfam, World Vision) i. Previous users of the HCT 3-4W system i. mostly include coordination members and their designated Information Management Officers (if any) i. Authorized user with permissions assigned to manage organizations, sites (warehouses, drop-off points), contacts, resources (kits), requests, suppliers, logistics (track delivery), publish management summary reports 1. Secondary users (Specific actors may have log-in, can view sanitized/raw data, interact with requests) a. Wider humanitarian community (others involved in relief provision or other responses) a. Government i. Ministry of Disaster Management bodies i. Disaster Management Centre / Emergency Operations Centre) a. Includes a request manager (a Community-authorized user with permissions to log and update requests) 1. General population, media (National/International), affected population a. No log-in - can view sanitized data a. report requests through call centre or hashtagged SMS === User Roles and Responsibilities === C = Create, R = Read, U = Update, D = Delete ||=Role=||=Responsibilities=||=Permissions=|| ||Administrator (SysAdmin) ||* upkeep and maintenance of the system[[br]] * assign roles and grant permission to all users[[br]] * customize the homepage CMS with on going event information ||C,R,U,D - information related to all active module features and functions || ||Organization Administrator (Org Admin) ||* manages the organization specific information such as managing sites/facilities/warehouses, , supply items/kits/packages, affiliated users ||C, R, U, D - user management, organization, supplier item, requests, & logistics || ||Request Logger ||* search, initiate and update requests ||C, R, U, D request || ||Request Approver ||* search and update request status ||R, U requests || ||Donor (Supplier) ||* manage supply items, packs, & kits[[br]] * commit to requests[[br]] [note] - difference from Org Admin is that a Supplier cannot manage other users, organization information (e.g. sites, facilities, warehouses), ||C, R, U, D organization only (no facilities, sites, warehouses), supply items (packs * kits), U - requests (i.e. commit) || ||Communication Officer ||* manage sitreps, documents, and other CMS information ||C, R, U, D CMS and Documents, R - request, supply, & logistics || == User Stories == [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases View a compilation of all the user stories] '''Categorized listing of user stories:''' === Submit requests === 1. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#Shelterequipmentforlandslidevictims Shelter equipment for landslide victims] - 12 families have lost their homes and need tents, bedding, latrines, and other essentials. == Requirements == === Functional === === Non-functional === http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-functional_requirements === Interoperability === === Standards === === System Constraints === == Design == === Use Case Diagrams === '''Listing of specific use case diagrams:''' 1. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#RegisteringandManagingUsers Registering HCT Organization, Requester, and Supplier] === Data Model === (e.g. EER or class diagrams) === Workflows === === Site Map === === Wireframes === === Technologies === == Current Implementation == <*a brief description of the implementation (date/time, name, design options chosen)> <*a link to the code> <*list of deployments of the implementation> <*links to case studies> <*short analysis of achievements/problems> == Planned Implementation == == Future Extensions == List of features which could be included, but are outside of the scope of this extension * HDX outputs of the data * Hashtagged SMS for submitting requests == Outstanding Questions == == References == == Current Status == ==== Available features ==== ==== Missing features ==== ==== Prototype ==== == Other == ---- BluePrint