= !BluePrint: Sunflower = [[TOC]] == Introduction == Sunflower is a template that will be used by the Sahana Software Foundation (SSF) as a community management and coordination tool. * http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/wiki/Event/2012/Sahanathon == Description == Sahana Sunflower will help the Sahana Software Foundation manage information about: * projects * deployments * volunteers * grants and funding opportunities * peer organizations * contacts It will also be used to promote our work to the general public. One potential use is to generate iframes with deployment information and maps that can be embedded in the SSF website. == User Stories == * Volunteers will use Sunflower to manage community tasks so that they know what needs to be done. * Newcomers to the Sahana Community will use Sahana Sunflower to find out what they can do to contribute to Sahana Software Foundation projects. * People interested in Sahana software will use Sunflower to find out how Sahana software is used by different organizations around the world. * Active deployments can use Sunflower as a destination for posting tasks related to their specific project. * SSF members can use Sunflower to track the status of internal projects, update directories or contacts and organizations, and log information about opportunities for grants and jobs. * Users can view news feeds from peer organizations and thought leaders. == Requirements == Data models for Sunflower objects can be found here: https://docs.google.com/a/sarapisfoundation.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArhSktWsQi1VdE5lQncyYWNESUxsdXdDYUI3ZEg1dEE&usp=sharing == Use-Cases == * View a list of Sahana Volunteers * Show a Volunteer Profile page with a list of the tasks that they have completed * View a list of tasks needing to be done for Sahana * View a map/table/chart of Sahana Deployments * Log a task that needs to be done in Sahana * View a list of internal Sahana contacts. * View a list of peer organizations. * View a list of opportunities (grants, jobs, etc) and their status. * ...? == Design == === User Interface === * Use a bootstrap theme * Use datalists (http://demo.drm.tl/eden/default/index/newsfeed) and summary pages (http://demo.lacrmt.sahanafoundation.org/eden/stats/people/summary) to present data ==== Homepage ==== [[Image(https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Qx5ZVP7CuKoJ1Q-7RUVPRrJ0yzXm0U4Wg9tZvvxN-a8/pub?w=960&h=720)]] [https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Qx5ZVP7CuKoJ1Q-7RUVPRrJ0yzXm0U4Wg9tZvvxN-a8/edit?usp=sharing Edit] * "News" could be implemented in a couple of different ways: * Using custom code to pull data together from Projects, Deployments & Events (MH: My choice) * Use a dedicated data-model just for news (would require updating) * Use the update functionality (as on the CRMT homepage) * Register as Member would disappear when logged in * You could toggle between members & deployment layers on the map * You could toggle between all tasks & tasks for beginners * Do we want to switch the boxs for tasks & news? ==== Members ==== Summary page of members (probably use the "Volunteer" data model - would volunteer be a better term?): * Datalist showing members + photos * Map of Members * Chart of Members per country ==== Deployments ==== Summary page of deployments (could these be a filtered type of project?) * Datalist * Chart * Map ==== Projects ==== Summary page: * Datalist * Chart * Map ==== Tasks ==== Summary page: * Datalist * Chart ==== Events ==== Summary page: * Datalist * Chart * Map ==== Organisations ==== Does this make sense? Summary page: * Datalist * Chart * Map == Implementation == == References == ---- BluePrint