Changes between Version 41 and Version 42 of BluePrint/TextSearch

04/28/13 22:03:31 (11 years ago)
Vishrut Mehta



  • BluePrint/TextSearch

    v41 v42  
    8181=== Functional ===
    8282'''For Full Text Search:'''[[BR]]
    83 *    Proper understanding and the work model of S3Filter is required.
     83*    Proper understanding and the work model of '''S3Filter''' is required.
    8585*    Literature study of Apache Lucene and Pylucene. Getting familiar with '''Pylucene''' and deploy it into my local machine.
    9393'''For Global Search'''[[BR]]
    94 *    Appropriate understanding for the S3Filter, and we would use '''S3TextFilter''' after configuring the context links, so need to learn that also..
     94*    Appropriate understanding for the '''S3Filter''', and we would use '''S3TextFilter''' after configuring the context links, so need to learn that also..
    9696*    Need to search for a particular resource over all the resources.
    149149*    The user need to type the resource or text he wants to search for.
    151 *    The back-end processing happens and efficiently filters the resources and displays the output. The back-end processing can be done by Pulucene only, as we can search efficiently index the records and display the output.
     151*    The back-end processing happens and efficiently filters the resources and displays the output.
    153153*    The main task on how to categorize the output. We will divide the output form into category of resources in alphabetical order. For eg. Assets, CAP, GIS, Hospitals, etc.. So the category heading would be this resource and the output will be the corresponding records which match the search request.
    207207==== Global Search ====
    209 *    We will look a the design implementation of IFRC template, and add the global search text box using S3Filter.
    211 *    We have two option for implementing this:
    213 **    Create an new method for global search.
    215 **    Use existing filter for searching the text through all the resources.
    217 *    So, this would be the part for the back-end computation. The display would be a category of all the resources which gives the search result as we discussed in the workflow.   
     209*    We will look a the design implementation of IFRC template, and add the global search text box using S3Filter and S3TextFilter.
     211*    We would not search for a particular record over here, but would filter all widgets for common context. As Dominic guided me, the solution is generic - i.e. it can use any filter widget (text, options, date/time etc.) - but requires the configuration of a context link for every resource (e.g. how is the resource linked to the event).
     213*    For eg. If I configure a S3Profile page with a bunch of resources, introspect all text fields in the respective tables and configure them as context links, and then add an S3TextFilter for this context, then this would let me search for text phrases through all these resources.
     215*    After doing this and filtering out the common context, we would need a UI to display it. It would be simple, user friendly and categorized. Showing it in a much better way would be for future implementation.
    218217== References ==
    219218=== Chats and Discussions ===