= !BluePrint: Text Search = [[TOC]] == Introduction == The Blueprint outlines the development of two functionalities for Sahana Eden. They are: === Full-text Search === * It will provides users to search for text in uploaded documents. === Global Search === * It will provide users to search for text over multiple resources (eg. Organization, Hospital, etc.). == Stakeholders == * The End Users Agencies like: * TLDRMP : Timor Leste Disaster Risk Management Portal * CSN : Community Stakeholder Network * LAC: Los Angeles County * IFRC : International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies == User Stories == For Full-Text Search: [[BR]] * The user will have to go to Document module and Search option. Then he has to type the text(or the specified query format) to search in all the uploaded documents. * The result will be the name on the document, the link to the uploaded documents(specifying the authorization checks) and a line of text containing the search string. == Requirements == === Functional === === Non-functional === === Interoperability === === Standards === === System Constraints === == Use-Cases == [[Image(search.png)]] == Design == === Data Model === === Workflows === === Site Map === === Wireframes === === Technologies === == Implementation == == References == === Chats and Discussions === http://logs.sahanafoundation.org/sahana-eden/2013-03-24.txt [[BR]] http://logs.sahanafoundation.org/sahana-eden/2013-03-24.txt [[BR]] http://logs.sahanafoundation.org/sahana-eden/2013-04-20.txt === Online Resources === http://lucene.apache.org/core/4_2_1/queryparser/org/apache/lucene/queryparser/classic/package-summary.html#Boosting_a_Term [[BR]] http://lucene.apache.org/pylucene/features.html ---- BluePrint