91 | | * Function merge_strings takes 2 set of strings and merges them on the basis of preference. |
92 | | * Function upload_to_pootle takes language_code, a pootle file and uploads the pootle file to Sahana server on pootle using overwrite option. Mechanize library of python has been used to implement this. |
| 91 | * Function merge_strings takes 2 set of strings and merges them on the basis of preference. If preference is given to python, strings from python language files are added to pootle. |
| 92 | * Function upload_to_pootle takes language_code, a pootle file and uploads the pootle file to Sahana server on pootle using overwrite option. Username and password are obtained from the configuration settings. (L10n settings). Mechanize library of python has been used to implement this. |