= Blueprint for Web Setup = [[TOC]] Allow access via Web UI to be able to edit 000_config.py. This is probably best done by extending the Setup co-application: * https://github.com/sahana/eden/tree/master/modules/templates/setup == Roles == ||= Role =||= Person =||= Notes =|| ||Project Manager||Devin? IBM?|||| ||Requirements Documenter||Fran + possible support from IBM||Flesh out the !BluePrint with Use Cases, etc|| ||Designer||Drew? IBM?||Wireframes, HTML + CSS|| ||Developer||Fran||It could be useful for someone from IBM to help us with making their Bluemix as deeply-integrated a solution as possible.|| ||QA Tester||IBM?||Go through Use Cases, possibly automate some|| ||Documenter||IBM?||Produce both inline documentation (Help bubbles, etc) & external documentation (CMS? Wiki? PDF?)|| == See Also == DeveloperGuidelines/WebSetup Sahana Phase2 version: * http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/doku.php?id=dev:websetup * http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/doku.php?id=dev:saws