Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of BluePrint/XsltTesting

06/06/14 11:12:43 (11 years ago)
Pat Tressel



  • BluePrint/XsltTesting

    v5 v6  
    2323String comparison is fragile, as alterations in whitespace or change in ordering of elements (where that change is not significant to the meaning) will break the test.  However, this is simple, and may be appropriate for getting started, even for formats that produce XML or S3XML.
    2424The test helper can run as a Python unit test, under control of eden/modules/unit_tests/  In case people would like to add tests for other code under eden/static, we can follow the eden/static directory structure.  That is, tests for stylesheets could be placed in eden/modules/unit_tests/static/formats so that, for instance, if people later want to write tests for tools, those could be placed in eden/modules/unit_tests/static/scripts/tools.
     26* Allow the user to provide a comparison function.
     28This goes against the purpose of making testing easy, so should be avoided.
     29The test helper can run as a Python unit test, under control of eden/modules/unit_tests/  In case people would like to add tests for other code under eden/static, we can follow the eden/static directory structure.  That is, tests for stylesheets could be placed in eden/modules/unit_tests/static/formats so that, for instance, if people later want to write tests for tools, those could be placed in eden/modules/unit_tests/static/scripts/tools.