Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of BluePrintAuthorization

06/19/10 17:14:05 (14 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • BluePrintAuthorization

    v30 v31  
    11= !BluePrint for Authorization =
    2 == User Stories ==
    3  * A Developer needs to be able to restrict access to a '''Module''':
    4   * ~~s3.modules in {{{}}}~~
    5   * Add Controller check as well as menu check.
    6   * Configure permissions in {{{}}} instead of {{{}}}?
    7    * Change {{{deployment_settings.modules}}} from a list of strings to a Storage()
     2== Restrictions ==
     3=== Module restriction ===
     4 * ~~s3.modules in {{{}}}~~
     5 * Add Controller check as well as menu check.
     6 * Configure permissions in {{{}}} instead of {{{}}}?
     7  * Change {{{deployment_settings.modules}}} from a list of strings to a Storage()
    99# Need to define Roles in dict for visibility by modules before inserted into DB
    39  * A Developer needs to be able to restrict access to a '''Function''':
    40   * ~~Decorator function : @auth.requires_membership("Administrator")~~
    41    * doesn't support OR (we could easily write our own function to do this, though)
    43  * A Developer needs to be able to restrict access to a '''Resource''':
    44   * REST controller can be blocked via a Decorator
    45    * we'd need to patch other functions, such as sync, which would be hard to maintain
    46   * Full security policy (native web2py) can be invoked, but this is painful (based on protected by default & granted manually) & untested within S3 recently
    47   * Need a new method: open by default & restricted manually
    48    * Option1: Use an {{{auth_permission}}} table similar to Web2Py 'full' but just for tables & with {{{group_id}}} as {{{multiple=True}}}
    49    * Option2: Set within {{{}}}, along with module permissions? (see above example)
    50     * Means less DAL calls
    51    * Option3: Have an onvalidation which auto-populates the reader_id/writer_id fields in records?
    52     * Means that no additional auth check at table-level needed
    53     * If done at validation time then it means that no extra DAL calls are done when creating resources (just extra field(s) within the 1 DAL call)
    54    * Once new solution in-place:
    55     * remove security_policy from {{{s3_setting}}} table & session ({{{}}})
    56     * modify {{{shn_action_buttons()}}} in {{{}}}
    58  * A Developer needs to be able to restrict access to a '''Record''':
    59   * Add 2 reusable {{{multiple=True}}} fields to each table which needs this: {{{reader_id}}} & {{{writer_id}}} combined as {{{permissions_id}}}
    60    * Full backward compatibility since they default to None
    61   * For List views modify {{{shn_accessible_query()}}} (called from {{{shn_list()}}} & {{{shn_search()}}})
    62    * combine with the {{{deleted==True}}} check?
    63     * makes it easier to then replace that check with an 'inactive' field which is a date instead of a boolean, so that records can be set to expire (as well as giving us easy access to know when a record was deleted)
    64    * Preferred Option: Do the check alongside deleted as part of a big JOIN
     39=== Function restriction ===
     40 * ~~Decorator function : @auth.requires_membership("Administrator")~~
     41  * doesn't support OR (we could easily write our own function to do this, though)
     42 * within Controller put manual restrictions or alternate routes
     44=== Resource restriction ===
     45 * REST controller can be blocked via a Decorator
     46  * we'd need to patch other functions, such as sync, which would be hard to maintain
     47 * Full security policy (native web2py) can be invoked, but this is painful (based on protected by default & granted manually) & untested within S3 recently
     48 * Need a new method: open by default & restricted manually
     49  * Option1: Use an {{{auth_permission}}} table similar to Web2Py 'full' but just for tables & with {{{group_id}}} as {{{multiple=True}}}
     50  * Option2: Set within {{{}}}, along with module permissions? (see above example)
     51   * Means less DAL calls
     52  * Option3: Have an onvalidation which auto-populates the reader_id/writer_id fields in records?
     53   * Means that no additional auth check at table-level needed
     54   * If done at validation time then it means that no extra DAL calls are done when creating resources (just extra field(s) within the 1 DAL call)
     55  * Once new solution in-place:
     56   * remove security_policy from {{{s3_setting}}} table & session ({{{}}})
     57   * modify {{{shn_action_buttons()}}} in {{{}}}
     59=== Record restriction ===
     60 * Add 2 reusable {{{multiple=True}}} fields to each table which needs this: {{{reader_id}}} & {{{writer_id}}} combined as {{{permissions_id}}}
     61  * Full backward compatibility since they default to None
     62 * For List views modify {{{shn_accessible_query()}}} (called from {{{shn_list()}}} & {{{shn_search()}}})
     63  * combine with the {{{deleted==True}}} check?
     64   * makes it easier to then replace that check with an 'inactive' field which is a date instead of a boolean, so that records can be set to expire (as well as giving us easy access to know when a record was deleted)
     65  * Preferred Option: Do the check alongside deleted as part of a big JOIN
    6667def shn_accessible_query(table):
    103104    ...
    105     * Advantages:
    106      * Combines the deleted into single API call
    107      * Single JOIN for optimal DB performance (Assumption needs testing)
    108    * Alternate Option: Do the check in Python after the initial query has returned
    109     * Advantage: Might have better performance than complex DB string?
    110     * Disadvantage: More records pulled from DB than necessary
    112   * For single records modify {{{shn_has_permission()}}} (called from {{{shn_create()}}}, {{{shn_delete()}}}, {{{shn_read()}}} & {{{shn_update()}}}, but also available for other functions)
     106   * Advantages:
     107    * Combines the deleted into single API call
     108    * Single JOIN for optimal DB performance (Assumption needs testing)
     109  * Alternate Option: Do the check in Python after the initial query has returned
     110   * Advantage: Might have better performance than complex DB string?
     111   * Disadvantage: More records pulled from DB than necessary
     113 * For single records modify {{{shn_has_permission()}}} (called from {{{shn_create()}}}, {{{shn_delete()}}}, {{{shn_read()}}} & {{{shn_update()}}}, but also available for other functions)
    114115def shn_has_permission(name, tablename, record_id = 0):
    210   * UI to manage the fields.
    211    * We expect relatively few groups per instance, so can use the checkboxes widget?
    212     * can filter out some groups?
    213    * Have a single checkbox for 'Restrict access' which then opens out the 2 fields.
    215  * A Developer needs to be able to restrict access to a '''Field''':
    216   * In model (for access by all controllers, such as sync):
     211 * UI to manage the fields.
     212  * We expect relatively few groups per instance, so can use the checkboxes widget?
     213   * can filter out some groups?
     214  * Have a single checkbox for 'Restrict access' which then opens out the 2 fields.
     216=== Field restriction ===
     217 * In model (for access by all controllers, such as sync):
    230231    table.field.readable = False
    232    * NB If doing this then the roles checks inside {{{shn_has_permission()}}} & {{{shn_accessible_fields()}}} should be modified to read this global value instead of more DAL queries (even cached)!
    234  * A Developer should be able to restrict access to records to just those within a certain '''GIS Location''' (e.g. Country or Region):
    235   * Add a special role 'Geographic' which can be added to {{{writer_id}}} (& maybe {{{reader_id}}} although less use case for this)
    236    * Patch {{{shn_has_permission()}}} & maybe {{{shn_accessible_query()}}} to spot this special case &, if no other roles match, then do a lookup in another table (or deployment_settings dict)
    238  * A Developer should be able to restrict access to records to just those within a certain '''Organisation''':
    239   * This could be all members of the Organisation or just the 'Focal Point'
    240   * Add a special role 'Organisation' which can be added to {{{writer_id}}} (& maybe {{{reader_id}}} although less use case for this)
    241    * Patch {{{shn_has_permission()}}} & maybe {{{shn_accessible_query()}}} to spot this special case &, if no other roles match, then do a lookup in another table (or deployment_settings dict)
    243  * A Developer should be able to restrict access to records to just those which the person '''Created''':
    244   * Add a special role 'Creator' which can be added to {{{writer_id}}} (& maybe {{{reader_id}}} although less use case for this)
    245    * Patch {{{shn_has_permission()}}} & maybe {{{shn_accessible_query()}}} to spot this special case &, if no other roles match, then do a check between {{{}}} & {{{table.created_by}}}
    247  * Ideally options which a user doesn't have permission for should be hidden from them.
    248   * ~~Modules are hidden from Modules menu & front page~~
    249   * ~~Action buttons in tables only show 'Details' for unauthenticated users, but 'Update'/'Delete' for authenticated ones~~
    250    * ideally would distinguish per record if some records restricted (We already pull the data for the rows, so need to ensure SQL query includes relevant fields & that we act upon them)
    251   * Controller menus should be adjusted (currently done manually => harder maintenance)
    252   * Views should be adjusted (currently done manually => harder maintenance)
    254 === Specific Examples ===
     233  * NB If doing this then the roles checks inside {{{shn_has_permission()}}} & {{{shn_accessible_fields()}}} should be modified to read this global value instead of more DAL queries (even cached)!
     235=== Location restriction ===
     236e.g. Country or Region
     237 * Add a special role 'Geographic' which can be added to {{{writer_id}}} (& maybe {{{reader_id}}} although less use case for this)
     238  * Patch {{{shn_has_permission()}}} (& maybe {{{shn_accessible_query()}}}) to spot this special case &, if no other roles match, then do a lookup in another table (or deployment_settings dict)
     240=== Organisation restriction ===
     241 * This could be all members of the Organisation or just the 'Focal Point'
     242 * Add a special role 'Organisation' which can be added to {{{writer_id}}} (& maybe {{{reader_id}}} although less use case for this)
     243  * Patch {{{shn_has_permission()}}} (& maybe {{{shn_accessible_query()}}}) to spot this special case &, if no other roles match, then do a lookup in another table (or deployment_settings dict)
     245=== Author restriction ===
     246Only allow a user to update records which they created.
     247 * Add a special role 'Creator' which can be added to {{{writer_id}}} (& maybe {{{reader_id}}} although less use case for this)
     248  * Patch {{{shn_has_permission()}}} (& maybe {{{shn_accessible_query()}}}) to spot this special case &, if no other roles match, then do a check between {{{}}} & {{{table.created_by}}}
     250=== Anonymous authoring ===
     251Some tables should be writable by unauthenticated users ({{{writable=|0|}}})
     252 * Need special handling for this in {{{shn_create}}}/{{{shn_update}}}?
     253  * Might need to differentiate the 2 (can deposit new but not edit existing)
     254 * Might want to be have new records by unauthenticated users not be visible in lists until an admin has approved them
     256=== Visibility of Options ===
     257Ideally options which a user doesn't have permission for should be hidden from them.
     258 * ~~Modules are hidden from Modules menu & front page~~
     259 * ~~Action buttons in tables only show 'Details' for unauthenticated users, but 'Update'/'Delete' for authenticated ones~~
     260  * ideally would distinguish per record if some records restricted (We already pull the data for the rows, so need to ensure SQL query includes relevant fields & that we act upon them)
     261 * Controller menus should be adjusted (currently done manually => harder maintenance)
     262 * Views should be adjusted (currently done manually => harder maintenance)
     264==== Specific Examples ====
    255265 * A Person's Contacts shouldn't be visible by default.
    256266  * Authenticated is OK
    277287   * onvalidation not onaccept so that only 1 DAL update() is done
    279  * Some tables should be writable by unauthenticated users (writable=|0|)
    280   * Need special handling for this in shn_create/shn_update?
    281    * Might need to differentiate the 2 (can deposit new but not edit existing)
    282   * Might want to be have new records by unauthenticated users not be visible in lists until an admin has approved them