Changes between Version 97 and Version 98 of BluePrintAuthorization

07/04/10 16:32:53 (14 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • BluePrintAuthorization

    v97 v98  
    348348=== Location restriction ===
    349349e.g. Country or Region
    350  * Add a special role 'Geographic' which can be added to {{{writer_id}}} (& maybe {{{reader_id}}} although less use case for this)
     350 * Add a special role 'Geographic' which can be added to {{{writer_id}}} or {{auth_permission}}.
    351351  * Patch {{{shn_has_permission()}}} (& maybe {{{shn_accessible_query()}}}) to spot this special case &, if no other roles match, then do a lookup in another table (or deployment_settings dict)
    352352 * NB If doing this through a table, then need to ensure that this table is protected appropriately
    354354=== Organisation restriction ===
    355355 * This could be all members of the Organisation or just the 'Focal Point'
    356  * Add a special role 'Organisation' which can be added to {{{writer_id}}} (& maybe {{{reader_id}}} although less use case for this)
    357   * Patch {{{shn_has_permission()}}} (& maybe {{{shn_accessible_query()}}}) to spot this special case &, if no other roles match, then do a lookup in another table (or deployment_settings dict)
     356 * Add special roles 'Organisation' & 'Focal Point' which can be added to {{{writer_id}}} or {{auth_permission}}.
     357  * Patch {{{shn_has_permission()}}} (& maybe {{{shn_accessible_query()}}}) to spot these special cases &, if no other roles match, then do a lookup in another table (or deployment_settings dict)
    358358 * NB If doing this through a table (such as a person's organisation), then need to ensure that this table is protected appropriately
    363363> permissions, and all others have yet other permissions, and finally we do not have
    364364> something like "members of organisations" at all.
    365366=== Author restriction ===
    366367Only allow a user to update records which they created.