== Blueprint for Barcodes == Some modules which could make use of this: * Logistics: Scan in goods received & goods shipped for automatic update of inventory; Identify details of a stock item * Human Remains Management: Scan in body tags as they are transported to update central DB; Pull up details of the body parts on the system * ... Barcodes can be generated by using a barcode font to display the number: http://www.barcodesinc.com/free-barcode-font/ 1 option is to use Semacode which provides a mobile phone camera-readable code which can link to a URL open able in the browser: * http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/appliances/default/show/49 * http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/ffa711b61358a94b !ReportLab has a Barcode extension: http://www.reportlab.com/ftp/extensions/ Elaphe uses PIL to write Barcodes: http://code.google.com/p/elaphe/ Android uses ZXing for reading barcodes: http://code.google.com/p/zxing/ - ports available for Java & iPhone Looking to the near future, RFID should also be supported: http://rfidiot.org/ ---- BluePrints BluePrints