Building Assessments blueprint initially based on requirements for the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake. == References == This application is designed to implement the Building Safety Evaluation in a State of Emergency: Guidelines for Territorial Authorities. These guidelines were produced by the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, and were based on the US Applied Technology Councils ATC-20 assessment process. * - see the section titled Bulding Safety Evaluation. Note that the forms contained on the NZSEE webpage are outdated, as newer draft updated forms (that had yet to be published) were used for both the 4 SEP 2010 Canterbury, and 22 FEB 2011 Christchurch earthquakes. The forms that should be used, in addition to the updated guidelines, are contained below: * == Capabilities == This is a list of desired capabilities, and some notes about why they are required and how they are intended to work. * Triage Data Entry form - the complete forms (both Level 1 and 2) contain a lot of data and fields. Not all of this information is needed to be entered straight away. The intent is that initial entry of prioritised fields will be made, with later fields to be completed as more time/data operators become available. Priority fields are: * TODO * TODO