== !BluePrint for the S3 Framework == This area is to develop & enhance the S3 Framework wich is built on top of T2/Web2Py. Current framework features are documented here: [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesS3Framework DeveloperGuidelinesS3Framework] * [wiki:BluePrintAuthenticationAccess Authentication, Authorization & Accounting] * Breadcrumbs: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/bbbbe2c60a8da2cf * [wiki:BluePrintCSS CSS Cleanup] * [wiki:BluePrintInternationalisation Internationalisation] * [wiki:BluePrintMany2Many Many to Many widget] * [wiki:BluePrintRepresent Represent split between HTML & non-HTML modes] * [wiki:BluePrintREST RESTful API] * [wiki:BluePrintSynchronisation Synchronisation] * [wiki:BluePrintWebSetup Web Setup] * [wiki:BluePrintWidgets Widgets] * User settings * person/settings * Loaded into session at login * Update session if table updated * Read from session whenever needed * Have a 'Search Resource' button in .comment next to 'Add Resource' * brings up a popup which provides options for advaned search (e.g. Person in Org X & Office Y, working on Project Z) * integrate into a single 'Search/Add Resource' button? * Widgets for module functionality which can be added to frontpage of site/module * Dashboard or key 'Add XXX Resource' forms * Same ones to embed in remote sites? (just include S3_PUBLIC_URL) * Widget functionality includes the 'code to embed in your site' option * Login widget on frontpage of site when logged-out * Context * Staff autocomplete (dropdown) in Projects should be filtered to those for this Organisation by default with a checkbox which can be unticked to 'View all' * Persons dropdown in staff should be filtered to those for this Organisation by default with a checkbox which can be unticked to 'View all' * Add/Edit Pledges menu item should just show you those relevant to (again a view filtered by default which can be unfiltered? Checkbox state dependent on role?): * Your Organisation(s) * Your Office(s) * Your Project(s) * Filtered views should also filter the exports in PDF/XLS/JSON/XML (KML/GPX, etc) === MVC Separation === Whilst Web2Py is fundamentally an MVC framework, it encourages pushing back as much as possible into the Controller, Model or even Module to gain the benefits of re-use of code & massively simplified prototyping. * http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/1bbf97d3a70d7c0b * http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/7da38e0d32d01076 If we think this could become problematic then we could choose to avoid this: * http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/f0eb6849c4c3fcfe There is already support in the framework for this: * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesCRUDManual Manual Forms] * Form Field fragments: e.g. {{{views/form_name.html}}} Q: Is it worth developing a version of the [wiki:BluePrintREST RESTlike controller] which uses Manual Forms instead of Tools/T2? ---- BluePrints