Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of BluePrintGISAPI

04/27/10 11:25:44 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • BluePrintGISAPI

    v10 v11  
    4343    gis.show_map(height              = <default>,
    4444                 width               = <default>,
    45                  base_layer          = <default>,
     45                 base_layers         = <default>,
    4646                 internal_layers     = None,
    4747                 internal_layer_menu = True,
    5858    height - int - height of map in pixels
    5959    width - int - width of map in pixels
    60     base_layer - string - base layer used for map: "OSM", "Google", "Bing"
     60    base_layers - list of strings - base layers used for map: "OSM", "Google", "Bing"
    6161    internal_layers - list of strings - to display on the map
    6262    internal_layer_menu - bool - whether or not to display the menu to turn on and off the internal_layers
    6363    markers - list of URLs - to images to display
    6464    popup_url - list of strings - The URL which will be used to fill the pop-up (potentially different for each internal_layer) (???current term). it will be appended by the Location ID.
    65     external_layers - list of strings - List of the WMS(???) to display on the map
    66     external_layer_menu - bool - whether or not to display the menu to turn on and off the internal_layers
     65    external_layers - list of strings - List of the overlays (WMS/KML/GeoRSS/etc) to display on the map
     66    external_layer_menu - bool - whether or not to display the menu to turn on and off the external_layers
    6767    toolbar - bool - whether or not to display the toolbar
    68     map_center_lat - ??? - Initial map center point
    69     map_center_lon - ??? - Initial map center point
     68    map_center_lat - double - Initial map center point
     69    map_center_lon - double - Initial map center point
    7070    zoom - int - the initial zoom level of the map
    7272    Will return the HTML to embed a map with the specified options.
    73     it would be cool it the layer menus could be tabs on the side, which slide out when you click on them...
     73    It would be cool if the layer menus could be tabs on the side, which slide out when you click on them...
    7575    Questions: