Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of BluePrintGISAPI
- Timestamp:
- 04/27/10 12:08:37 (15 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v11 v12 44 44 width = <default>, 45 45 base_layers = <default>, 46 internal_layers = None, 47 internal_layer_menu = True, 48 markers = <default>, 49 popup_url = <default>, 50 external_layers = None, 51 external_layer_menu = True, 46 internal_overlays = None, 47 internal_layertree = True, 48 external_overlays = None, 49 external_layertree = True, 52 50 toolbar = False, 53 map_center_lat= <default>,54 map_center_lon= <default>,51 lat = <default>, 52 lon = <default>, 55 53 zoom = <default> 56 54 ) … … 58 56 height - int - height of map in pixels 59 57 width - int - width of map in pixels 60 base_layers - list of strings - base layers used for map: "OSM", "Google", "Bing" 61 internal_layers - list of strings - to display on the map 58 base_layers - list of strings - base layers used for map 59 internal_overlays - list of dictionaries: 60 { 61, 62 filter = None, 63 marker = <default>, 64 } 62 65 internal_layer_menu - bool - whether or not to display the menu to turn on and off the internal_layers 66 external_layers - list of ints - The external overlays (WMS/KML/GeoRSS/etc) to display on the map. Hard-coding this is Ugly! Can we not just make it Bool & use Map Service Catalogue for more control? 67 external_layer_menu - bool - whether or not to display the menu to turn on and off the external_layers 68 toolbar - bool - whether or not to display the toolbar 69 lat - double - Initial map center point 70 lon - double - Initial map center point 71 zoom - int - the initial zoom level of the map 72 63 73 markers - list of URLs - to images to display 64 74 popup_url - list of strings - The URL which will be used to fill the pop-up (potentially different for each internal_layer) (???current term). it will be appended by the Location ID. 65 external_layers - list of strings - List of the overlays (WMS/KML/GeoRSS/etc) to display on the map66 external_layer_menu - bool - whether or not to display the menu to turn on and off the external_layers67 toolbar - bool - whether or not to display the toolbar68 map_center_lat - double - Initial map center point69 map_center_lon - double - Initial map center point70 zoom - int - the initial zoom level of the map71 75 72 76 Will return the HTML to embed a map with the specified options. … … 74 78 75 79 Questions: 76 * I wonder if internal_layers and markers and popup_url should be joined together in a dictionary.77 * I wonder if we need another array to differentiate between int/ext layers which are a) initially displayed on the map AND b) shown on the menu (but not selected)78 80 * I am not entirely sure how the gis_feature_group will work. Perhaps it would be good to be able to pass a query to the function (one of the results of the query will be a location_id field). That would be really nice. 79 81