Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of BluePrintGISAPI

04/27/10 13:32:19 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • BluePrintGISAPI

    v12 v13  
    4646                 internal_overlays   = None,
    4747                 internal_layertree  = True,
    48                  external_overlays   = None,
     48                 external_overlays   = False,
    4949                 external_layertree  = True,
    5050                 toolbar             = False,
    5656    height - int - height of map in pixels
    5757    width - int - width of map in pixels
    58     base_layers - list of strings - base layers used for map
     58    base_layers - list of ints - base layers used for map. Hard-coding this is Ugly! Can we not just use Map Service Catalogue for this? Maybe creating separate configurations for separate use-cases, so can call e.g. db.gis_config.3 instead of the default
    5959    internal_overlays - list of dictionaries:
    6060        {
    6262         filter = None,
    63          marker = <default>,
     63         popup_url = <default>, # The URL which will be used to fill the pop-up. it will be appended by the Location ID.
     64         marker = <default>
    6465        }
    65     internal_layer_menu - bool - whether or not to display the menu to turn on and off the internal_layers
    66     external_layers - list of ints - The external overlays (WMS/KML/GeoRSS/etc) to display on the map. Hard-coding this is Ugly! Can we not just make it Bool & use Map Service Catalogue for more control?
    67     external_layer_menu - bool - whether or not to display the menu to turn on and off the external_layers
     66    internal_layertree - bool - whether or not to display the menu to turn on and off the internal_layers
     67    external_overlays - bool - whether or not to display the overlays enabled in the Map Service Catalogue
     68    [- list of ints - The external overlays (WMS/KML/GeoRSS/etc) to display on the map. Hard-coding this is Ugly! Can we not just make it Bool & use Map Service Catalogue for more control?]
     69    external_layertree - bool - whether or not to display the menu to turn on and off the external_layers
    6870    toolbar - bool - whether or not to display the toolbar
    6971    lat - double - Initial map center point
    7173    zoom - int - the initial zoom level of the map
    73     markers - list of URLs - to images to display
    74     popup_url - list of strings - The URL which will be used to fill the pop-up (potentially different for each internal_layer) (???current term). it will be appended by the Location ID.
    7675    Will return the HTML to embed a map with the specified options.
    77     It would be cool if the layer menus could be tabs on the side, which slide out when you click on them...
    79     Questions:
    80     * I am not entirely sure how the gis_feature_group will work. Perhaps it would be good to be able to pass a query to the function (one of the results of the query will be a location_id field). That would be really nice.
    82     Given all of these, I wonder if it would be best to pass a list of:
    83     internal_layer_options = {gis_feature_group_name,
    84                               query, #if query = None, use gis_feature_group_name
    85                               marker,
    86                               default #if the layer defaults on, or just appears on the menu.
    87                               }
    8876    """