Changes between Version 46 and Version 47 of BluePrintGISFeatureLayers

08/18/10 16:44:09 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • BluePrintGISFeatureLayers

    v46 v47  
    4040   * Removing it will speed things up the operation of gis.get_marker()
    4141  * Q: If kept, should we provide an option to allow the !FeatureClass icon to over-ride individual Feature Icons?
    42  3. ~~The !FeatureClass marker (if defined)~~
    43   * Styling based on values of an attribute of the resource
    44    * add new gis.thematic_map table
    45     * fields
    46      * value_low
    47      * value_high
    48      * marker_id
    49    * add field, thematic_map_id (multiple=True) to the gis.feature_class table
    50    * Q: This is for display in specialist report views only? (not main Situation Mapping)
    51    * Q: Is variable markers sufficient? Would size/colour of basic vectors be better?
    52    * once we have core functionality, want UI to be able to choose the attribute, the values & the markers
    53  4. ~~The Default marker~~
     42 3. ~~Styling based on values of an attribute of the resource~~
     43  * Need to be able to store these definitions within the FeatureGroup so that they are available not just to specific modules but also to the main Situation Mapping
     44  * Want UI to be able to choose the attribute, the values & the markers
     45 4. ~~The !FeatureClass marker (if defined)~~
     46  * This should be selected accroding to the currently active [ Symbology]
     47 5. ~~The Default marker~~
    5549[wiki:BluePrintGISMarkers Markers BluePrint]