=== GIS Libraries === There are many libraries which can potentially make use of: * [http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Shapely/ Shapely] - wraps [http://geos.refractions.net GEOS] * [http://trac.gispython.org/lab/wiki/WorldMill WorldMill] - wraps [http://gdal.org GDAL] & [wiki:BluePrintGISLibrariesOGR OGR] * [http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyproj pyproj] - wraps [http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/ Proj] * [http://trac.gispython.org/lab/wiki/Rtree Rtree] - spatial indices for speed optimisation Many other frameworks make use of Geo Components so these can be looked at for ideas: * [http://geodjango.org/docs/ GeoDjango] * !TurboGears * http://turbogears.org/2.0/docs/main/ToscaWidgets/Cookbook/OpenLayersMap.html * http://turbogears.org/2.0/docs/main/Extensions/Geo/ * [http://mapfish.org MapFish server] - based on Pylons * [http://www.primagis.fi/ PrimaGIS] - extensions for Plone * [http://featureserver.org FeatureServer] We could also look at using [http://www.jython.org Jython] to access Java libraries: * [http://geotools.codehaus.org GeoTools] - as used by [http://geoserver.org GeoServer], [http://geonetwork-opensource.org GeoNetwork], uDig, etc * [https://trac.mapfish.org/trac/mapfish/wiki/PrintModuleDoc MapFish Printing] ---- [wiki:BluePrintGeographicInformationSystems GIS BluePrints]