Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of BluePrintGISLocationsHierarchy

08/23/10 08:57:48 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • BluePrintGISLocationsHierarchy

    v9 v10  
    1 Status: Done?
     2= Locations Hierarchy =
    34Provide a flexible Locations Hierarchy.
    5 Sahana 2 has a nice hierarchical Locations system:
     6These are the 'Admin Boundaries': L0 - L4
     8Adding of locations within the L0-L4 range should normally be done by the Administrator prior to going live with the deployment so that these can then be locked-down to the !MapAdmin role to prevent duplicate name entries.
     10Default names (customisable in {{{models/}}}):
     12deployment_settings.gis.locations_hierarchy = {
     13    "L0":T("Country"),
     14    "L1":T("Province"),
     15    "L2":T("District"),
     16    "L3":T("Town"),
     17    "L4":T("Village")
     21Since most deployments are restricted to just 1 or few countries, it is possible to hard-code which ones are used (in {{{models/}}}):
     23deployment_settings.L10n.countries = ["PK"]
     28== Selector ==
     29There are 6 ways of adding a location, listed in ideal order:
     30 1. Bulk import has either Location Names or Lat/Lons
     31 * This could optionally use Image EXIF headers or a timesynced GPX file
     32  * NB: This refinement can be added later
     33 2. HTML5 !GeoLocation: If the resource is one where the user is likely to be physically at the
     34 * NB: This refinement can be added later
     35 3. Map: User clicks on a location on the map
     36 * If we have admin boundaries available then the correct hierarchy can be filled-in automatically
     37 * If not then the user can be prompted to provide these (as per 6)
     38 4. Manual Entry of Lat/Lon (either from a GPS or looked up in an online resource like Wikipedia)
     39 * A Conversion tool is available to convert from Deg/Min/Sec to Decimal Degrees
     40 * If we have admin boundaries available then the correct hierarchy can be filled-in automatically
     41 * If not then the user can be prompted to provide these (as per 6)
     42 5. Geocoder: Street Address is entered & this is matched to a location via a Geocoding service (Google & Yahoo have functionality ready in {{{modules/}}}. We need to add at least [ Geonames].)
     43 6. Hierarchical Selector:
     44 * We have dropdowns for each of the different levels.
     45 * The country selector should remain hidden if there is only 1 country being used.
     46 * Initially just a single dropdown should be displayed.
     47 * When this dropdown is selected then the next dropdown is displayed, along with appropriate values
     48  * We download the values via AJAX in order to not have to download all Locations, however we could download the next set in the background whilst the user is thinking: means a bigger download to filter client-side, but maybe less time overall. Can be experimented with.
     49 * When the final dropdown is selected then the user has the option of adding a more specific Name & a Street Address
     50  * This should not be mandatory as some records need to link directly to the L0-L4 levels.
     52If adding a new Location, then the name of the location should *not* be the general name, but rather a specific one
     53 * Where possible, we automate this by using the name of the Shelter or Hospital
     54  * Should we prevent 'Add Location' from working until that field is filled-in?
     55 * We need to make this clear in the online help.
     57== Agasti ==
     59Sahana Phase2 has a nice hierarchical Locations system:
    660 *
    761This is useful for categorising data for Reporting purposes.