Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of BluePrintGISLocationsHierarchy

08/23/10 09:06:49 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • BluePrintGISLocationsHierarchy

    v12 v13  
    2828== Location Selector ==
    2929There are 6 ways of adding a location, listed in ideal order:
    30  1. Bulk import has either Location Names or Lat/Lons
     30 1. '''Bulk import''' has either Location Names or Lat/Lons
    3131 * This could optionally use Image EXIF headers or a timesynced GPX file
    3232  * NB: This refinement can be added later
    33  2. HTML5 !GeoLocation: If the resource is one where the user is likely to be physically at the relevant location
     33 2. '''HTML5 !GeoLocation''': If the resource is one where the user is likely to be physically at the relevant location
    3434 * e.g. pr/person/presence can be recorded automatically upon login
    3535 * NB: This refinement can be added later
    36  3. Map: User clicks on a location on the map
     36 3. '''Map''': User clicks on a location on the map
    3737 * If we have admin boundaries available then:
    3838  * We can zoom to the correct area if a level of hierarchy has been selected
    3939  * The correct hierarchy can be filled-in automatically
    4040 * If not then the user can be prompted to provide these (as per 6)
    41  4. Manual Entry of Lat/Lon (either from a GPS or looked up in an online resource like Wikipedia)
     41 4. '''Manual Entry of Lat/Lon''': (either from a GPS or looked up in an online resource like Wikipedia)
    4242 * A Conversion tool is available to convert from Deg/Min/Sec to Decimal Degrees
    4343 * If we have admin boundaries available then the correct hierarchy can be filled-in automatically
    4444 * If not then the user can be prompted to provide these (as per 6)
    45  5. Geocoder: Street Address is entered & this is matched to a location via a Geocoding service (Google & Yahoo have functionality ready in {{{modules/}}}. We need to add at least [ Geonames].)
    46  6. Hierarchical Selector:
     45 5. '''Geocoder''': Street Address is entered & this is matched to a location via a Geocoding service
     46 * We alreadu have functionality ready for Google & Yahoo in {{{modules/}}}.
     47 * We need to add at least [ Geonames].
     48 6. '''Hierarchical Selector''':
    4749 * We have dropdowns for each of the different levels.
    4850 * The country selector should remain hidden if there is only 1 country being used.