Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of BluePrintHumanIntelligenceTasks

01/13/16 02:05:16 (9 years ago)
Pat Tressel



  • BluePrintHumanIntelligenceTasks

    v25 v26  
    204204get more rewards. They'll do this even if they know they're being jollied along, and
    205205rather enjoy that too. Think of your friends, or your kids (or -- admit it -- yourself)
    206 spending far too long playing, oh, say, WoW or Angry Birds or Sudoku or Rabids Go Home
    207 or... This isn't a huge industry because people get some material goods or practical
    208 benefit out of it. And people are playing avidly without even a Good Cause to motivate
    209 them. So, if we take a page from the game industry's playbook on how to get people
    210 revved up and wanting to improve, and on top of that have the icing of Doing Good,
     206spending far too long playing, oh, say, WoW or Angry Birds or Sudoku or Rabbids Go Home
     207or... This is a huge industry, but it's not because people get some material goods or
     208practical benefit out of it. And people are playing avidly without even a Good Cause to
     209motivate them. So, if we take a page from the game industry's playbook on how to get
     210people revved up and wanting to improve, and on top of that have the icing of Doing Good,
    211211we should have a hit, not just HITs.