Documentation on the current implementation is here: = Blueprint for the J2ME client = J2ME is the most widespread environment for mobile devices (although may be overtaken by Android). There should be a simple set of forms for data entry. GPS coordinates should be taken automatically if available (inc via Bluetooth) or can be entered manually, where not available automatically. The back-end transport is best done via SMS as this is cheap & widely-available. - compressed multi-part SMS to get maximal throughput. The forms should be updatable via SMS. This would work like the one which comes with FrontlineSMS, but be Open, as well as Free: * !JavaRosa is a fast-developing framework which uses [wiki:XForms] & [ J2MEPolish]: * * XForms editors(written in GWT, so includable as a simple HTML page). * [ PurcForms] - can import the output from our controller, powerful but not for non-techies! * [ Demo] * [ OX-Designer] - more basic, but pretty. No import yet. Built for OpenMRS (which ODK is too) This supports using Mesh4j to do synchronisation via SMS: * === Alternatives === KUIX can be used to develop lightweight applications which work across may handhelds & forms can be customised easily via XML/CSS: * Old, un-maintained J2ME client for the PHP back-end, which just uses XML-RPC (=> requires Internet): * [ OpenDataKit] has joined [ JavaRosa] to form [] so can use same XForms on Adroid phones :) === Bluetooth Synchronisation === For the J2ME side: * tbc For the Python side: * Intro: * * Other projects: * ---- BluePrintMessagingModule BluePrints