| 4 | Q: How to handle the entity relationships with the extra data needed? |
| 5 | |
| 6 | Options: |
| 7 | * Polymorphic Associations: http://www.fleegix.org/articles/2008-01-03-rails-polymorphic-associations-and-migrations |
| 8 | * Single Many-to-Many Reference Table which includes a 'type' reference for which sub-table it refers to. |
| 9 | * A Many-to-Many table for each 'type'. |
| 10 | * Single-Table Inheritance: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/d9715e7b751c1e56 |
| 11 | * A single table containing all information, with unnecessary information ignored. |
| 12 | |