= Person Registry = This is the master place to store all Person details. == Ontology == This is an ontology draft for "Personal Data for Disaster Management" (suggested for implementation in the data model): * [http://ontology.nursix.org/sahana-person.owl "OWL Source"] * [http://ontology.nursix.org/sahana-person.png "Class Tree Diagram"] ''(still under development, see the OWL source for version information)'' This ontology defines four axes for the construction of "Personal Data" relations: * '''Appearance''' - forms of appearance (of persons) * '''Distinction''' - classes for operational distinction (assigned features) * '''Evidence''' - classes of data sources * '''Finding''' - classes of findings (observed or derived features) Every data set implements at least one class (aspect) from each axis (may even be implicitly, e.g. in case of the appearance aspect). ---- Q: How to handle the entity relationships with the extra data needed? Options: * Polymorphic Associations: http://www.fleegix.org/articles/2008-01-03-rails-polymorphic-associations-and-migrations * Single Many-to-Many Reference Table which includes a 'type' reference for which sub-table it refers to. * A Many-to-Many table for each 'type'. * Single-Table Inheritance: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/d9715e7b751c1e56 * A single table containing all information, with unnecessary information ignored. Q: Including system users? (BluePrintAuthenticationAccess) * currently we automatically add new registrations as people as well. This then feeds these other Modules: * Disaster Victim Identification * Disaster Victim Registry: http://wiki.sahana.lk/doku.php?id=doc:dvr:english * Missing Person Registry: http://wiki.sahana.lk/doku.php?id=doc:mpr:english * Volunteer Management: http://www.cs.trincoll.edu/hfoss/wiki/User_Guide_for_the_VM_Module ---- BluePrints BluePrints