
Version 18 (modified by Dominic König, 16 years ago) ( diff )


Common Person Registry

The Common Person Registry is a new conception in SahanaPy - it provides a framework and a comfortable user interface to store and manipulate personal data which are common to all modules (the Ontology below specifies which data this could be).

Framework functions (available in all person-related modules, even PR):

Central functions (PR only):

  • Access to specialized module functions directly from the search results
  • Global statistics and assessment

This then feeds these specialized modules:


Ontology draft for "Personal Data for Disaster Management" (suggested for implementation in the data model):

(still under development, see the OWL source for version information)

This ontology defines four axes for the construction of "Personal Data" relations:

  • Appearance - forms of appearance (of persons)
  • Distinction - classes for operational distinction (assigned features)
  • Evidence - classes of data sources
  • Finding - classes of findings (observed or derived features)

Every data set implements at least one class (aspect) from each axis (at least implicitly, e.g. in case of the appearance aspect).


Q: How to handle the entity relationships with the extra data needed?


Q: Including system users? (BluePrintAuthenticationAccess)

  • currently we automatically add new registrations as people as well.



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