
Version 31 (modified by Fran Boon, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Common Person Registry

The Common Person Registry is a new conception in Sahana Eden - it provides a framework and a comfortable user interface to store and manipulate personal data which are common to all modules (the Ontology below specifies which data this could be).

The Person Registry is:

  • the central registry for common personal data
  • the central search engine for personal data records
  • main entry point and central hub for personal data related actions


  • People may appear in different contexts at the same time: displaced person <-> volunteer <-> missing person
  • For optimal assistance there is often a need to search and track individuals across multiple or all contexts
  • Data may also need to be shared across different contexts (e.g., missing person and dead body)
  • Central storage and manipulation of personal data at least improves data integrity, and can enhance security

Framework functions (available in all person-related modules, even PR):

Central functions (PR only):

  • Access to specialized module functions directly from the search results
  • Global statistics and assessment

This then feeds these specialized modules:

Data Model


Functionality needed


Generic CRUD of personal data records is a matter of course, specialities below:


During rescue/recovery operations mostly tags are used to identify affected persons. Different types of tags are in use: barcode tags are common, but even RFID tags could be used (which contain more details on the person).

The Person Registry should support (at least) barcode labels:

  • read labels from tags or documents (realized by the client system)
  • retrieve/display the corresponding record from the database
  • display links to process this record in other person-data-related modules
  • display/print out barcode labels for existing records (e.g. to forms, documents, stickers)
  • generate/manage new unique labels (and print them out), even pre-printed stock tags

Import/Export Formats

Should be able to support:


Q: How to handle the entity relationships with the extra data needed?


Q: Including system users? (BluePrintAuthenticationAccess)

  • currently we automatically add new registrations as people as well.

BluePrints TranslatedPages

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