Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of BluePrintRegionsAndIncidents

02/16/11 12:40:57 (14 years ago)
Pat Tressel



  • BluePrintRegionsAndIncidents

    v1 v2  
    22= !BluePrint for supporting multiple regions or incidents in one server =
    4 Motivation:
     4=== Motivation ===
    6 Humanity Road works on more than one incident, located in different areas, each with different GIS characteristics.  For instance, in one area, a complete GIS hierarchy may be available, and we can associate individual locations with the hierarchy location they fall in.  In another case, we may not have hierarchy data other than the country, but perhaps we can designate a general area by a bounding polygon, or by radius around a point.
     6==== Regions ====
    8 A person using the site would like to quickly select which region or incident they're working on, and have the map centered on that spot, and search results and drop-down selectors filtered for that region or incident.  Selecting a region to work on should not interfere with the site's overall GIS configuration, nor the user's own personal configuration.
     8Humanity Road works on events in more than one area, each with different GIS characteristics.  For instance, in one area, a complete GIS hierarchy may be available, and we can associate individual locations with the hierarchy location they fall in.  In another case, we may not have hierarchy data other than the country, but perhaps we can designate a general area by a bounding polygon, or by radius around a point.
     10A person using the site would like to quickly select which region they're working on, and have the map centered on that spot, and search results and drop-down selectors filtered for that region or incident.  Selecting a region to work on should not interfere with the site's overall GIS configuration, nor the user's own personal configuration.
     12==== Incidents ====
     14An "incident" is a more fine-grained concept, involving not just location but also time and assigned personnel and resources.  Don Cameron points out the importance of being able to specify an incident and identify what's associated with it, in order to implement an ICS (incident command system).
     16Incidents can overlap in time, region, personnel, and resources.
     18==== Common features ====
     20Regions and incidents touch on each other in several ways:
     22The user will want a way to select which they're working on at the moment.
     24The definition of a region or incident should be shared among (appropriate) users.  That is, a site admin should be able to configure a region or incident.
     26And incident will probably need a region as part of its specification.
     28=== Region proposal ===
     30=== Incident discussion ===
     32This is open for ideas -- please add suggestions here.
     34Fran considered creating an org for each incident, as it has fields and components that would be appropriate, but says that may not be sufficient.