Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of BluePrintRegionsAndIncidents

02/22/11 18:27:38 (14 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • BluePrintRegionsAndIncidents

    v22 v23  
    5555  * Already present in gis_config, and needed for region selection:
    5656   * Map center and zoom (so map can be positioned appropriately for the region).
    57   * Add a multiple reference to gis_config from the gis_layer_feature table,
    58     so the set of selected layers can differ per region.  A layer_feature entry
    59     with no region set would be selected on all maps.  (Two options for implementation:
    60     Pat: Inserting a reference to a region in layer_feature *deselects* the layer for
    61     that on the map for that region.
    62     This is consistent with an empty region set meaning all regions have that layer,
    63     and is easier to maintain if new regions are added -- don't need to do anything.)
     57  * Add a multiple reference to gis_config from the gis_layer_feature table, so the set of selected layers can differ per region. A layer_feature entry  with no region set would be selected on all maps.
     58    Two options for implementation:
     59   *  Pat: Inserting a reference to a region in layer_feature *deselects* the layer for that on the map for that region. This is consistent with an empty region set meaning all regions have that layer, and is easier to maintain if new regions are added -- don't need to do anything.)
     60   * Fran: Inserting a reference to a region in layer_feature *restricts* the layer to just that region since this is the most usual use-case where a layer only applies to a particular region.
    6562 * Generate a regions menu from the gis_config table. Add site config options to enable